

Read in between the lines
Chapter five:
Summer comes but my friends still don't invite me to hang out well I guess they forgot.
I was wron they didn't forget, they don't want me, where did I go wrong? What happened? Oh someone got my place as friend I see. I'll live my life alone I need to get away from them I'll just say bye and soon I'll be better I hope.
I say goodbye but they didn't even care well I guess I'm alone now, talking about this to my parents isn't an option, I'll stay in and what films or I'll go to my grandma. I thought I was going to be happy but I just feel numb.
Days passes by and I'm starting to get comfortable with my body and I start to smile more but the feeling of numbness won't go away maybe that's my destiny and I'll always be sad. I need to live day for day and see what will happen I just hope to be albe to find real friends a day, so that I won't be alone anymore...

That's the end I relate a lot to what I wrote that's why I can't continue it I guess that for now I will really live day by day and see what happens.
There was a bit of a talk on self-harm if you too experienced it please write to me. It hurts and it doesn't change anything at the end of the day right? But I know that stopping is the same as continuing so feel free to write to me here is a safe place for anyone.
© The unknown person