Fear - a complex celebration (What does Advait says ?)
Keeping a record of the trends that glorify our markets is an uphill task. The pace, at which they update the world is very hard to understand. You can no more rely on newspapers and journals to keep yourself "up-to-date". Using smartphone applications that help you to keep yourself updated after every second passes by is the only way out ! But I am not here to complain about the fastness of this whole system in place, rather today I wish to concentrate only on a single trend, which is the trend of "living constantly in fear". I am not kidding you. Come on, you must be knowing the gravity of this issue, ain't you ? We all know that marketing and advertisements have been deriving their nutrition from the inherent "fears" and "insecurities" that are perpetually presesnt in all the consumers who use those advertised products. It's something very commonplace. But haven't you noticed something new about this "fear" . All the advertisements out there in a generalized notion try...