

chapter 1:getting hired in fnaf
Your sheriff calls you in around 7 in the afternoon."sheriff-Isabella the Freddy fazbears pizzeria has opened up once again I read on your file that the Freddy fazbear pizzeria is linked to the murders,the purple guy,and the missing kids is that correct"isabella nodded "yes sir see before the when fazbear pizzeria appeared there were the same things happening around it before"the sheriff listened to your words and taps his chin nodding"then you had best get hired there so that way you can trick down this purple man and the missing kids"isabella nodded as she stood like a ready cop would"roger that sir". Isabella then left to go home and change out of her police uniform that way the manager would not think she was a police officer or anything like that instead she changed into a shirt a tie and a tight skirt with nice dress shoes. Then headed out for the pizzeria as she arrived she noticed there were new anamatronics one a bat,one a hippo,and a wolverine. The bat was called Candy, hippo was called Wisel,and the wolverine was called Raina. She knew there may be more new animatronics but for now this is all she could see. A worker with a brown shirt walked up to her it said Manager on his shirt he said looking to be hired for the night guard miss?"Isabella nodded and handed him her resume"yes that is correct my name Isabella Stewart "he looked it over and nodded"you looked to be dressed for the interview already which is good we can go ahead and get it over with if you want"she nodded as they walked onto the backroom to do the interview. As they were walking a man in purple and black sitting at one of the tables watched them walk into the backroom.They did the interview then Isabella left and went home.it was already very late so she went to sleep.the next day around 4 in the morning the manager from the pizzeria called her and told her she had gotten the job and that she could start working tomorrow from 12 midnight to 6 in the morning. Isabella thanked him then hanged up. She texted her sheriff and told him she had got the job saying the purple man would be caught in no time.