


SAW HER!!!!!

A wet leaf fell on her shoulder making her jump in fear. Startled she shifted from her hiding place behind the bush to the barn.jothi!a voice heard from her back. She slowly turned and found a black shadow coming towards her. With tears rolling down her cheeks she yelped and started to run. Suddenly she felt like something was holding her and saw big hands stretching towards her!. Blood was dripping from the hands that clutched her. She shouted but within a sec she taken aback towards the shadow.She was suddenly hit by something at the head and fell down. When she woke up she found that she was tied up. She saw the face of the shadow! it had huge eyes filled with blood and a mouth which had more than thousands of teeth!. She was blowed! Blood stain allover her ! She begged him to leave her but before she tried to speak another word an axe cutted her head!. Her head rolled down to the place were all others bones were piled up like a huge mountain and her body fell down from the chair! .The shadow started to grin and laugh heavily!.