

Prostitution Territory
Not your typical story of the life of every teenage girl. I was kinapped by drug lords. not just any ordinary drug Lord but wicked ones. it was like they had this branches where they would sell women just for pleasure and also do drugs.
Sex.Lust.Pleasure.Those are the only reason that any man would want you just so you would be with him. sometimes I just sit and ask my creator why he made me a woman and not a man.i would bust their asses if I could.How could they treat women like trash and dump them like they were nothing. no matter my words I knew that I couldn't change anything about it.i kept shut as they did their worst to me. I was taken at the age of seventeen. Four years and still counting at the moment. it's mixed with pleasure and hell. I used to think at the beginning that they would only use once and dump but I was wrong. we were taken to stay,to get tortured and to die. the ones that stayed to long were killed in their office. their office must have been a slaughter place for women and men. even their bodyguards were killed, that is if they ever found out if they wanted to help anyone escape or to tell the police. I wasn't planning to leave. I was planning to make one fall in love with me but I found that plan useless. for the past four years the men I have been sleeping with didn't seem to show any form of attraction to me. all they did was give me a sexy look, fuck and then leave, like they felt nothing.
well I wouldn't say I didn't like any of them but that was stupid because they slept with other women. how could they ever love me back. I lived in a very huge mansion with them with nine other women. we had our separate rooms and everything that we ever needed. I was the youngest. we were always together just to talk about how each of our night went with either of the master. I would always say nothing and just be the odd one out. I would listen to their erotic scenes of their night and wish they would stop.
I didn't want anyone to know how I felt or what was wrong with me. if anyone of us was sick and if no recovery after one week, we would be killed. as Tony my master said
"we don't waste money on sick women but vibrant sexy ones ready to give us what we want"
I haven't been sick for the past four years. maybe it's the healthy living I had or it was my body.
normally once women are brought they are done surgery on to make them the sexiest beings on earth. Big boobs, tiny waist,big booty and tight pussy just they way they want it. we didn't use condoms of course. rather we were given an injection to prevent the baby. some tied their womb but I chose to take the injection just in hope that I would leave here one day.
I wouldn't say that I don't enjoy it here. I do but we were never to leave the place. we were given everything except gadgets. we only played those games on TV that guys liked to play. that is play station. According to them, they found girls that play that sexy and is a turn on. I played once in a while. But my brother always enjoyed it. I missed my family so much. I have not talked to them since then or ever chatted with them. I'm quite sure they had already given up on searching for me.
I didn't want anyone hurt or cold or sober about me out there. all my friends and my ex. who I had to dump from here. funny right?
my life had been a hell of please.i would call it sweet pain. I couldn't say less of my Masters. They were six hunky sexy men. more like the sexiest men on planet earth but then they each had their own flaws.
There was Tony. he had serious anger issues and then again I knew the only solution to keeping him down was smacking women during sex. anyone of us that had sex with him that night would come back with a bruise on our arm or butt. I was a victim. he made sure that we were taken care of after the sex but he was not just enough, his beating could be less.
Daniel was a nice guy and really smooth. he would walk into the room and tell u exactly what he wanted and how he wanted it. he would moan and groan and that was a great turn on to me but he just wasn't good enough for me still.Christopher was a womanizer. anytime he would want to have sex , he wanted a threesome but for me I hated the idea. well according to him we were only to romance him and we did. According to him,he hated lesbians. well they all hated lesbians. David really should go learn how to have sex. he was a switch man. today he would last long tomorrow would be totally different. I just didn't understand him. Jasper could be every dream girls sexy man on bed but not me had his own way and that was shower sex. he only liked sex in the shower. I liked it but not all the time. And there was Xavier. he was my dream man. the one I liked so much. sometimes I just couldn't wait for him to come meet me. he was a sweet talker and everything you wanted. sometimes I would replay our times together but then I never knew how he felt about me and that made me sad.