

Meet me
He stood with his motorcycle gear and helmet on and time seemed to stop, was I crazy for being here...I didnt know this man.
Meeting a stranger at a park seemed like a crazy thing to do but this was how I felt I might meet the man I was meant to.
I could smell his leather jacket and a hint of a recent shower as he walked towards me...
My curiosity was winning, who is this man and what's under that helmet and I wonder if he will kiss me.
The moment he took off his helmet to see his smile and his deep blue eyes, something shifted in my heart space, I knew this was about to be a love story and one I was ready to ride.
He carefully placed his helmet on his bike and unzipped his jacket, a crimson jumper underneath revealed a little of his personality.
His face wore sadness of a deeply passionate man with a furrowed brow that matched one that contemplated life with much agony. His eyes were large and blue as they looked at me I felt my heart skip, I saw him smile at me telling me he knew I longed to see his gaze longer, I didn't hold back from looking deep into him, I longed to understand why we were there, strangers meeting for love, could this be my forever story.

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