

Wrote this ina different style
Hope you like it

I was on top of a mountain.And there were spheres floating everywhere,dark spheres,except for two transparent spheres floating right above me.And the sight was so magnificiant with no visible ground(he meant he was on floating mountain).

A sudden movement somewhere far away caught my attention and the next moment everything slows down the cool breeze,spheres floating ,something blue flying towards me with great speed pointing a sword and ...... (Wait a sec ,"DID HE SAY SOMETHING ABOUT SWORD!")

Why is it coming with a sword pointed towards me.Somehow i managed to dodge the attack.
The next sec,everything's back to normal.Except for some bluish creature standing right infront of me, facing away from me.
It was as tall as me.But bluish with a tail which was moving .The next sec,it was facing me and just few cm away from my face.
"It's a She!".(What a discovery he made 😀)
"Oh MASAR!! You're finally back!"
And places her lips on mine.
(By the way ,Why did SHE who tried to kill you KISS you?)
And everything went dark again.
(Seriously,you could have atleast answered my question before passing out,IDIOT!)

Your precious comments are always welcome😃