

Sex can't be love
Sex is never love. Again, love is never sex. Don't fall in love with someone who wants to have sex. Do not engage in sex with anyone you like. Anyone who hates you also has the ability to have physical relations with you. It is a completely unsuccessful method to use sex to attract a man in the long time . When you have sex with him he will love you it is nothing but foolishness. The one who truly loves you can never have an effect on you or make you associate with him. If he doesn't have love or affection for you, he won't change every time you have a physical relationship with him. If he says he needs a physical relationship with you to prove your love, But remember that he doesn't love you just for physical purposes. If he has a physical relationship with you and you do the same with him cleverly But you are also a prostitute but a clever prostitute because you have agreed to a physical relationship to sustain the relationship. Remember one thing when he finds someone better than you he will definitely leave you.

Making yourself your own sex slave is nothing but really foolish. Love will never make you a sex slave. If physical relations are prostitution for money, you also have to look at your relationship now. It is wise to think intelligently and develop a relationship without physical contact.

Even if you marry him anyway and if he has sex because of marrying you, it is a serious disease that is infecting your marriage as well. Likes or loves someone who will give you respect and love even after marriage and with whom your emotions and spiritual bond will remain intact. Even if you are suddenly crippled he won't leave you. Because he is not only with you to taste your body but also to enjoy your company more.
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