

The locker room Part 1
I'm about to leave the locker room now. Okay just rewind. I'm on the playground right now i'm telling my friends that I don't want to go to gym. TRINGG Oo no, the bell rings. On the way to my class row. the smile that appears every break goes away. The teacher is there. We step ahead of the other class rows. Right now I see people looking at me sadly because they feel sorry for me. They are sorry that I am the only girl. We arrive at the sports hall. I go to the locker room and the rest of the class goes to the other locker room. I'm alone in the locker room now. I put on my gym clothes and go to the mirror. The look in my eyes says enough. "Don't cry, you can do this" is what being repeated in my head. Are my clothes okay? Shuld I tie a knot in my t-shirt or not? So many questions I ask myself. I step towards the door and stop.