

The Christmas Incident
It was Christmas, and all my cousins were extremely excited for their presents as all of us were together this year. I was the youngest girl of them all, pampered the most and was blessed with the most amazingly wonderful parents. The beautiful night fell across and we all were eagerly waiting for our Santa to get us gifts which we wrote them. Yeah, seems silly, but we did. The night passed by, it was morning and the day where all our excitement was about to come at peace. It was around eight, and I got up with a very different level of energy, rushed to my cousins, we were 7 of us, I woke everyone and we all barged into our drawing room cause it was there, the beautifully decorated tree was in front of me, and the most incredible view , was the presents all around them, dad came, we all knew it was him all over, but it's okay to not break this to him, I love him though. He read the names, we all were so patient yet thrilled with the boxes with which all made a promise to each other we won't open it untill everybody get their own boxes.
And yes, atlast we all got ours and with no more patients we started opening it.
We all got what we wanted or expected it to be, but with my present, I received something so gorgeous which didn't even demanded yet so special a silvery white with some beautiful small flowers.. bracelet!
Yes, something couldn't Express my feelings for, we all were damn happy after receiving our gifts, and me ?.. I was at the top most floor just cherishing my bracelet with eyes full of love.
Soon, the holidays came to an end, we started our high school, and I began to wear it to school daily. It was a lucky charm though! I use to show it off to every person possible and maybe people would be jealous, who cares?!
My dad was happy to see me getting along with the bracelet in such a delicate manner, genuinely speaking I wont even look after myself the way I use to for the small little bracelet!..
Months passed by, but the glitter didnt glitched even a little bit.
My friends use to ask me to lend it to them, just for a night or two, the only answer they use to receive is the disappointment after me saying a harsh no on their face. Maybe, that led things go worst, and suddenly one day, Daisy asked for it to me, as she was the one i could trust a bit, I showed it to her, in the washroom where she wore it for just to see if it suits her, suddenly got a call from George, one of my elder brother, as he expected me to catch up with him and all my other cousins. My phone wasn't in the network and I had to go out, letting the bracelet be in Daisy's hands. I finished my call came to her and we made a move from the washroo, keeping in mind that she had it. We attended few lecturers together, and abruptly I recalled that Daisy has my bracelet, I rushed it to her, asked if could return it to me, and things which she said shook me off completely as she mentioned of keeping the bracelet right on the basin's edge. Knowing how critical that mistake was, I completely ignored everything that came in my way and ran towards washroom, it was a huge sorrow for not seeing the bracelet there. Daisy and I went crazy over the washroom, there was no place unseen, no stone unturned. Having the feeling of disgrace I returned home, went directly to my room and tried to make my self understand that confessing this to parents would make them think of how irresponsible I was back there which could lead me to nowhere. I decided to keep it till myself, but the incident happened was disturbing till the extent where it became easy for people to assume something has gone wrong with me. The trauma of me losing the bracelet gained massive amount of my thoughts, and my mind, always in the sorrow of loosing something so precious.
People say, mothers are a pretty good observers too, and that day I believed it wholeheartedly. Out of my habbit, that sudden day she noticed me talking to myself in my room and she heard me saying how irresponsible I could be for not able to take care of my special things, which meant so much to me, she entered the room, she held my hand in a little dominance from my elbow made me sit on my bed, she sat against me gave me some water. I was sitting there blindly having no clue what's up with her, imagining she wanna talk about something I did in a amazed tone, asked me nothing but just gave a wise statement, IT'S OKAY TO MAKE MISTAKES, BUT TORTURING OURSELF OVER THOSE IS WORST. And that day I learned to take responsibility for my mistakes I would ever do in my up growing life !!
I cried my heart out and confessed to my mother then and there, it was a mistake and I lost something so precious to me which was an unexpected surprise, and mom advised me to share it to my dad.
Me being a totally disappointed person clenched my heart and recited the whole incident to my father and asked for his forgiveness for my mistake, which eventually me being irresponsible, but as as I said, i have a great parenting duo, he spoke to me in a concerned tone while telling me that mistakes are ought to happen, how we react to it matters. And that day I took everything as a lesson for my life ... and also my pretty bracelet, I miss it though !!! And that incident not only kept the bracelet in my heart forever but also made me feel, that even small things can teach you a great lesson for your life.
© akshubarshile