

Selfish Love: chapter 11
Ruru sighs and said "its okay...dont feel bad, im still here, im right here"
"But i love you.."
"You can love me..as a sister.. i know it hurts, besides im not your match anyway, there's plenty of other people you can love, why are you so into me, im not as good or as fun as others..im like a loner"
Maruqez hugged Ruru even tighter as she says
"You're different, i feel so alive when im with you, or when you're around with me, while others..make me feel left out"
"Love takes time, you cant just meet a person in a second and be like 'will you marry me'"
"I love you so much that i dont or cant find anyone better"
"If you love me, why do you force me on doing those things with you, and beating me up? You're..abusive and forceful towards me"
Maruqez slowly loosens her hug and looked down, while Ruru is waiting for Maruqez's reply.
"You cant force someone to be who you want them to be, or what you want them to do, and abuse them if they dont"
"You're only looking to my bad side! Why didnt you look on the good side!? I've done my all best for you!"
"It doesn't matter, that wont fix the problem you're giving" Ruru walked away but Maruqez held her wrist, but she doesn't know what to say when Ruru looked back..she just slowly lets go of Ruru's wrist. Ruru felt sad and said to herself "i must not show her i feel sad about her, its time she have to give me up". Then suddenly Ruru got a phone call from Yuna, Ruru excitedly replied
"Hey, how are you Ruru?"
"Im fine, what about you?"
"I miss you so much"
Maruqez left the house and decided to sit back to where they both sat together today..watching the sun set, and wind was blowing quite hard. Shizu was just walking and saw Maruqez, she was just staring at her with no empression. What is she thinking?..suddenly Maruqez felt someone hug her head from behind, when she looks up, it was Shizu.
"Something happened?" Shizu asks as she smiles. Maruqez sighs as she replies "its between me and Ruru.." Maruqez explained her situation, Shizu felt bad while listening, when Maruqez was done, she sarcastically laughs as she said "didnt i tell you?? Keeping a big secret that could create disaster, its a bad idea! You will never know when it will just spill!"
"I guess im just stupid"
"Yes you are extremely stupid and selfish, there's so many others to love, why are you putting yourself into trouble with Ruru?"
Maruqez had nothing to say, and when Shizu looked at her grocery bags, she bought some soft drinks them decided to give one to Maruqez then drank together. Shizu decided to sit with Maruqez for awhile, and Maruqez felt really awkward about the silence, so she asked
"Why are you sitting with me?"
"I just want to comfort you, at times like this, sitting alone sucks, and im free this time so.."
"You know...i might need your help..just incase something happens to me...will you help?"
Shizu thinks for a moment then says "it depends on what you want me to do"
Maruqez sighs and said with a low voice
"I want you to...pretend you're my..girlfriend"
Shizu was shock, and her anger could be seen on her face, Maruqez was quite frightened "its hard to tell what she's feeling! But now i can clearly tell! She's pissed!" Maruqez said to herself. Shizu pats Maruqez on her shoulder as she says "try to find someone else, and if you cant, then i will help..."
"Okay..im sorry...". Meanwhile at home, Ruru decided to take a nap, she forgot that she must go to school tomorrow since both she and Maruqez didnt go today. When Maruqez returned home and saw Ruru sleeping, she slowly walks closer and started to gently rub Ruru's hair, but Ruru felt it and decided to open her eyes..
"You shouldn't be sleeping..we have to sleep soon because of school" but Ruru just turned around, so Maruqez says "if you dont wake up, i will wake you up myself"
Ruru still didnt do anything, so Maruqez goes on the bed with her and turned her around, she grabbed both of Ruru's wrist and pushed her on the bed.
"Get off! They didnt come home yet?!"
"Unfortunately they didnt..and i wont get off, you're all mine again"
Before Ruru could say anything, Maruqez kissed her, Ruru freaked out and tried to get away, when Maruqez is done kissing, Ruru spits on Maruqez, she got mad and said "that's it, i will give you what you deserve..!"
She's so mad, she had the power to rip Ruru's shirt open, Ruru shouted as she tries to push Maruqez away, but Maruqez held Ruru's wrist again and said closely to her ear "you're not going anywhere.." Ruru instantly cries as she shouts for help, thinking that maybe the neighbor could help, Maruqez covered Ruru's mouth with her arm, but Ruru bit her arm as hard as she could, Maruqez shouted for a moment and quickly let go of Ruru, from there Ruru kicks Maruqez off her and quickly jump off the bed, but as soon as she grabs the door knob, Maruqez pulled her back by her hair, then decided to strangle Ruru by her arm "look..if you dont give up now..think of what kind of troubles we will be in.." Ruru was trying to remove Maruqez's arm, but at the end she didnt even bother, so Maruqez slowly loosens her grip, Ruru still didnt do anything, so Maruqez smiles and said "Good, a few minutes of suffer is better than months and years right?"
Meanwhile Yuna is just sadly looking outside the window. Next morning, while Maruqez and Ruru is eating breakfast, mom notices Ruru has bruises on her wrists and neck, while Maruqez has bite marks on her lower part of her arm.
"Kids...did you both fight yesterday while we are away?" Next thing mom knows is that..Maruqez's face is always angry since yesterday.
"And..are you okay Maru? You're looking mad since yesterday"
"Im fine mom..just some school stuff, projects and exams..annoying classmates.." then Maruqez left to get dressed, while Ruru slowly walks to her room to also get dressed, she got flashbacks of what happened yesterday..
[She was forced to take off her clothes. She cried and made the pillow soaking wet with her tears. She watches the clock, and 2 hours has passed, she gone mad and shouted loudly as she aggressively pushed Maruqez away as she was gasping for air and wiping her tears..then in the pitch black darkness, the moonlight hits Maruqez chin..and she saw her devil grin]
She starts to have a heart attack, Maruqez was worried and prevented Ruru from falling with her head and shouted for help, her parents quickly ran in and saw Ruru on the floor, they quickly called an ambulance..fortunately Maruqez was forced to go to school, but before she goes, she grabs Ruru's phone, she unlocked it to dial Yuna...
"Ruru! Hey!"
"Sorry..this is not Ruru you're talking to"
Yuna was shock and her heart skipped a beat
"Ruru will be heading to a hospital..follow the ambulance if you want"
Yuna got angry and yelled
"What happened to her?! What did you do to her?!"
"She just had a heart attack, or maybe panic attack from what she remembers what we did last night" Maruqez chuckles then closed the phone. Yuna was so pissed and depressed. "What did she do?!" Yuna quickly get dressed and started her car engine, waiting for the ambulance.. then she heard the ambulance, she followed the sound, and finally found the ambulance, they bought Ruru inside it and drove off, she followed the ambulance till the hospital..meanwhile while Maruqez is at school, she heard the ambulance..and started to cry, meanwhile inside the ambulance, Ruru was still conscious, they let her sit and tells her to breath normally, or cough to keep the heart pumping, Ruru was already crying silently, and sweating as she tries to relax. Until they reached the hospital, Ruru already knocked out, mom was crying as the nurses taking Ruru and try to revive her, then she saw Yuna came in, mom asks "Who are you?!" Yuna just looked and wipes her tears and said "im Ruru's friend" then Yuna said to herself "what did that bastard do to her?!"
"Noo! My kid!!" They already used defibrillator two times..fortunately the third works, and Ruru is finally back. The mom cried in joy and hugged her tight, as Yuna was just there happy that she's back..its been just been few seconds that Ruru was out, so Ruru is fine. Mom decided to let Yuna sit with her at home. Ruru was quiet the whole time.
"Are you okay Ruru?" Yuna asked with a low voice, Ruru just looked at Yuna with no empression as she slightly tilts her head and said "hm?", Yuna was shock, but then suddenly Ruru shakes her head and laughs, "sorry, im in shock, im fine dont worry.." Yuna then sighs in relief, then she hugs Ruru..but then Ruru saw Yuna as Maruqez and started shivering from fear.
"Huh? Ruru what's wrong?!"
"Maru..i cant bare the pain you give me anymore.." Ruru cried and hugs Yuna tight.
"Ruru...its me..Yuna.." Ruru stopped shivering for a moment then slowly looked at her..then sadly smiles..
"take me with you" she then held Yuna's hand as she says "you're my saviour". Yuna was so confused, but then mom comes in with a tray of three cups of coffee.
"So are you okay now sweety?"
Ruru was just looking with no empression once again, so mom cried again and decided to hug Ruru as she said "aww..poor Ruru, you must have been so shock..you will recover from it soon..relax for now and drink okay?" She pets Ruru's hair and kisses her on her forehead as she gives her the coffee. After some time, Yuna had to go back home to eat, and as she was heading back, she was thinking about something..and almost made her cry..