

Descendent of Revan (Part 4)
He aimed a gun at me as I rounded the corner on his ship. When he saw me he lowered it. "I thought you were one of the Empire troops when I saw the pod." Abel looked at the sabers on my waist then to me and smiled. "You don't have a scratch on you. How is that even possible?"
I didn't ever really feel like my abilities were something to be boasted about. "You've met my mother...and my father's original."
He quickly agreed but was still in disbelief. "I did...but like I said before... you're a lot more terrifying than both of them combine. Something about you... really scares me."
How was I supposed to take that? Get scared or angry? The people that I HAD met were always afraid. I kinda just assumed that fear applied to anyone they may have met with a connectiocconnection to the force. The words definitely hit different when your mother's best friend openly admitted to being afraid of you. "I'm sorry... that I make you feel that way?" I spoke automatically.
He rose a brow, "Are you really?"
I sighed. "....No?" was that the right answer?
He smiled and shook his head. "How'd you find me?"
"I could feel where you were. Brought a friend." I said as the Admiral was force pulled behind me. They both looked up as the destroyers exploded. Most of the debris was burned up in the atmosphere.
Abel dragged in the Admiral and sat him down tied up in a seat. "Who is this guy?"
"Admiral, Taro."
He flared with anger and shock. "You really walked onto that ship and destroyed his entire directive in less than an hour. This man is a war criminal! He's wiped out entire cities!"
"Oh good, then General Marikass will really want him." I said as I poured myself some water. I paused as I felt his malice and aggression grow toward the General. "Abel... I need him alive."
"He's a monster that deserves to die and he's right in front of me and you don't even care."
"I do care. It's just that time has passed and I cannot change it. I can do something now, and I have." I took a drink of water and then sighed. "They will give him what he deserves."
"...yes." he agreed reluctantly. "Where do you want to go?"
"Can you open the coms to their channel and let them know I'd like to talk with their General."
"If you had been here at the beginning this whole thing would have ended quickly."
I drank some more water and then met his gaze. "I think my parents wanted as much time with me as the could have."
"And now they are dead. The Emperor will come for you too!" The Admiral taunted.
I waved a hand at him and he passed out. I wouldn't deal with much of that before I started feeling homicidal myself. My gaze went back to Abel.
"Alright, kid." He must have seen it because he nodded and left.
I met with the General and they were happy to take the Admiral away. The General was a tall, slender woman with dark red hair. Her eyes were dark brown and she wore a lot of black eye shadow. Her angular face was dirty from fighting and so were her clothes but she was grateful.
"Where have you been this whole time? You've done something amazing and impossible. Right on time too because we were running low on rations and had no way to get more....as grateful as i am... i have to ask. Why? Why now? Why help at all?"
What was enough information? "The Emperor killed my parents. My parents were all I had. They did not want me to be a part of this but they taught me well for when the time came that I was a part of it anyway."
"So, it is revenge you seek? With the kind of power you have, why not board his ship and do what you have done here?"
"Because it is not revenge I need... its justice. I want to help where I can."
"What do you seek from us?"
"I know you are working with the Jedi, let them know what I have done and if they are willing to work with me then contact my Pilot Abel... am i right in assuming you won't leave if I ask you to?"
"You are."
"Then... I feel that I should tell you the Admiral will have reported what I did and the Emperor will come for me. So, I have to leave. If that is the case, I will need you to let me know. I will turn myself in on your behalf on the terms that he leaves."
"Why would he accept your surrender and just leave?"
"Because, I'm his daughter." I told her.
She tensed and I felt the ease become defensive. They wanted to hurt me now. How simple.
"Are we good?" I asked firmly.
"How do we know what you say is true and that you won't betray us? You said the Emperor killed your parents."
"He did. My biological mother and step father. I can show you if you like. I have no reason to lie."
"Show me how?" She asked curiously.
"Tell your people to settle. I'll have to touch you."
One of her men spoke up, "I don't trust her. This could just be a ploy to get to you and the Jedi."
Abel laughed with amusement. "Why? If she could walk on a destroyer and destroy the entire fleet why wouldn't she just do the same here and with the Jedi?"
"She may have destroyed the fleet but every single person on board is alive."
"So, you want to condemn her because she didn't slaughter them all in the process? Do you hear yourself?" Abel rebuttaled with irritation.
"That's not what I meant."
"Thats enough!" Ordered the General. "I will hear what she has to say and see what she will show me. That is the very least I can do." She gestured me forward. "Come. They will do nothing to get in the way." Her tone held a threat to them all.
I walked over to her and gently took her wrists I placed her hands the sides of my head and then pressed a single finger to the center of her forhead to open her sight. She would be in my place. Feel what I felt and see what I saw.
When the vision was over she fell away from me in tears. Her hand was clutching her chest and she was shaking. I raised my hands and stepped back as her people aimed their weapons at me.
"No! Stand down. I'm fine. Its okay.. she was telling the truth!" She told them and finally managed to remember herself and that she was not me anymore. It wasnt her loss. She only felt it as I did for a moment. I helped her to her feet and she hugged me. I had never been hugged by anyone but my parents. I lightly hugged her back but quickly moved away.
"I will contact you as soon as I am able. Thank you, for all you've done here today."
Abel and I were back in space and he was performing random hyperspace jumps before taking one that would be a few hours. I tossed and turned for what felt like ages before finally going to sleep. Abel woke me twice because I was crying or screaming in my sleep. How embarrassing...
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