

Two nights of love...(part IV)

‘October 23rd, Tuesday evening 4PM’
“you are totally out of your mind! Why would he kill his own daughter? And moreover he has a high reputation in his business and why would he do that?”
Harish smiled and continued, “ reputed people are those who cannot be questioned easily, mam! Such a religious sucker, he is…maybe it would have evoked him…”
“be slow…what do you mean?”
“Sarah’s parents were not together certain months before our marriage. They actually divorced. She married me out of her mother’s wish and even I had to. They are Christians and am an Hindu! Her father Martin had no interest in it and of course, he could not accept his daughter marrying an Hindu boy. He did not even turn up for the marriage. My father, he has been so kind to me but he had reasons to force me marrying her. I hated him from that instant.
Sarah’ father had come to my office many times yelling at me to get out of their life. He had even threatened me a lot of times. I’ve never disclosed it to her. One day…”
Priyanka had a sip of water and continued listening without any intervention…
“Harish was on his way to home after his office hours in his car. Some random car came straight and hit his car wantedly. Harish came out…
“who the hell are you man? Don’t you have eyes. Get down, you …”, he yelled.
Martin got down of his car. He starred at him as if he had ruined his life.
“ you, nasty bastard! You are commanding me…”, Martin yelled.
“uncle, uncle! Am sorry!”
“uncle? Son of a bitch! Never call me that again. Better leave her. Just get away. She’s my daughter and I know what to do for her. Just that rope will not stop me.”
“mind your words, uncle!”
“am not of your sort having worshipping shit and moreover I know why you are doing this! Am gonna’ be wild!”
“what? You are dad, right? Now I could understand why they’ve parted from you. Such a religious fucker…yup, am worshipping shit. If your god is so powerful, let him help you. Am just leaving you now because at some point she may feel bad for you. Or else, you would have been thrashed. Get away”, Harish started his car and accelerated his car near him.
“hello sir! For all your verses, even if your almighty exists, it might not forgive you. Try to have some respect towards your son in law! She is my wife and I know what to do with her. Move away”, he left.
“you are gonna’ regret this. I’ll show you what I can! I’ll kill you both”, Martin yelled.”
“this is just a bit, mam! Since he is big shot, our photo came out even in local newspapers. He use torture us often and he would try threatening me. After a certain point he was not seen around and I thought we are gonna’be happy!”, Harish concluded.
“you had threats. You were tortured. Why did you stay silent?”, Priyanka pointed.
“that is all I can do for her. I hated my father and I did not want the same for my Sarah! Even now I am silent for the sake of my daughter. I have something to hold up, or else I would have paid off my debts…”, he terrified.
Akhil was monitoring all of these. He looked at all those anger at his face and he literally believed that all of it was a cooked up story. He entered the room at the instant.
“Harish! You can leave, now! We’ll call you later”, he said.
“why again? I have confessed whatever I knew.”
“did you just attempt once to fuck her! Do what I say!”
“sir!”, Harish yelled.
“Harish! Just leave for now”, Priyanka convinced.
“sir, please be slow! He is already hurt”, she requested.
“send him out, now.”
Of course Akhil did not want to pull Martin into the case. He was clear about it. And that is why he was so tensed.
“sir, I think we have sorted it out!”
“don’ blabber around. He is making up stories and don’t you get that.”
“am damn, sure. He must have done that”, Priyanka stressed.
“hey what do you think of youself. Can’t you hear me. He would have not done that.”
“why do support him so much. Have you been sold? or are you scared?”
“hmm”, he smiled and continued…
“influential people Priya…I ‘ve said you the other day. I’ve been here handling this case due to the desires of some people and he is one of it. As soon as he heard it, he had requested his dear friend that is our commissioner ad I am here!
Do you think that he’ll make up forces to capture himself? And… I heard something! Am not fuckingly scared of people because they are just bodied roaming around money.”
“sorry, sir! But that’s his strategy. If he had arranged this investigations, we would never doubt him and he is upto that with all your support. Let me explain sir…”
Akhil sat on the chair and Raj was standing near the door. She went near the white board and started writing…
“suspect no. 1: Harish…that’s been suggested by you, sir! Even I had doubt in him, the moment I met him. But that’s not enough for us. You handed the investigation session to me and according to me Harish! He is very innocent. I can assure you completely that he would have not done that. And that oldman’s eyesight is a bullshit for evidence. He had not even left a written copy and that mobile number, he gave is not reachable till now.
I want two constables under my command, sir! One will be continuously trying that mobile number and another one must go to the newspaper office”, she spoke hard.
“will do”, Akhil had no other go…
“sir he is innocent dad! He had loved her hardly and am sure that he would have not done that. And moreover, we have no evidence to accuse him. He is just an emotional idiot!”
“what do say now?”, Akhil yelled.
“sir, I have something else to say. Let me finish”, she requested.
“go ahead!”
“suspect no.2: Martin…that religious bastard. Am completely sure that he would have done that and all my instincts have never failed all these years.
I’ve worked little more in this case, sir! Devanathan had been Martin’s competitor for many years. A corporate politics had been involved here. Martin is successful man and he is known for his reputation. He had been good to everyone but he would do anything for hold up his position.
At a point, he got divorced and even he was not tired of it but the thing that his daughter had been married to an Hindu boy disturbed him a lot. Even if he is silent, all his surroundings instigated him. He tried to be loving to his daughter and later he realized that Harish…son of Devanathan.
Under my study I’ve found that all his assets had been registered on Sarah! And that’s it. Martin himself thought that all of it was their plan to smash all his pride and wealth. He tried to get rid of them at many sorts but he could not. He threatened him and he tortured him but there was no reaction.
And now, his evil mind has worked out and he executed his master plan. Murdering Harish will not fetch him anything. But if he had killed her, all his problems would be solved. Even if he confesses, he would hold up the pride that the father killed his own daughter to with hold his religious grit. He would be praised more.
Yup! He went to her office…after the office hours (in husky voice). Seeing her dad, she had no panic at all and she went along. He would have tried convincing but all her love towards Harish would have resisted it. At last he took her to a place and tried killing her. She would have tried to escape. He chased her like something and he caught her. He would have hit her hardly at her back…maybe multiple times.
After ensuring that she’s dead, he rolled her up in a plastic cover and he dumped her in that trashcan. Even if the oldman was correct, he looks so young in his outfit and that’s it…”
“why would he force this case by himself?”, Raj intervened.
“to get over something…it has to end! Now comes his business mind. Once the news had been published, he called Commissioner as if he is very much depressed by the news that his daughter is no more with a hint that her husband would have done that. You had the same hint, sir! And here you are, accusing him…”
Akhil thought of his orders, “Akhil! You are gonna’ make out this case. She is someone very much close to me and her father is my dear friend. Please do it for me. It must have been done by someone very much close to her…”
“and that’s it, sir! Even after all these study, do you feel that Martin is innocent?”, she expected Akhil to open up. Priyanka had a phone call immediately. She heard something and replied,
“send it to Akhil sir’s whatsapp number…”
Akhil received a massage from a random number. He opened it. He saw a picture of newspaper bit showing ‘Industrialist back to street!’ with a photo covering both of them’. One of the constables came gradually and said , “he is still not reachable!”
Akhil was still silent when everyone was waiting for his orders. Raj was totally confused and he had his entire suspect on Harish after hearing all those oldman’s comments…he tried to open up but before he could, Akhil started…
“all these days, I’ve been so straight in handling cases and I did the same here. I believed that it would lead to a solution. Of course, I had doubt doubt on him but not out of all this shit. People don’t love nowadays, they just act as they love each other. Fuck all those asses! Well done Priya…all your instincts are so convincing just like a thriller movie.”, he smiled and continued.
“maybe the case ends here! So soon! Raj…go get him, now!”, he ordered…


‘October 23rd, Tuesday evening 5PM’
They were on their way to Martin’s house. Raj had lot of questions in him but he had to stick up to his orders. He kept on stressing the driver to make it fast.
Over here Priyanka and Akhil were sitting inside and others were waiting outside. She was very much confident in her instincts and she was really happy that finally he had heard out.
“well! You are good. How do end up in here?”, Akhil started.
“sir? I don’t get you…”
“no…girls usually make up their shines in schools and colleges pushng out aall of us finally to end up as an housewife! But you are different. You…”
“sir…we are too humans! We have desires and we try to make it out . it’s not that we end up as housewives, we throw away our lives for our family. It doesn’t mean that we are not capable. After all we are all just machines making your asses wet and feeding our children with milk out of blood.”
“I agree…I agree…calm down. I was just making fun. Don’t take it personal.”
“am not angry on you. Am just irritated by the way our society treats us. A guy is really manly only when he respects his women’s feelings!”
“100 marks”, he clapped.
“sometimes…”, he started but he was intervened by a phone call. Some random tune came up. That was call from a random number.
“hello!”, he answered…there was silence for a while.
“I’ll get you later”, he hung up.
“who’s that sir?”, she asked.
“sir coffee!”, some random voice was heard.
“come in”, he replied. Both took up their coffees.
“shhh…anything after this. Have your coffee. It’s coffee time!”
Over here Raj had reached near his house. It looked very much simple from outside. There was a security standing over there. He stopped the jeep and started questioning. Driver was convincing him for a long time. At a certain point, Raj lost his control. He got out and walked towards him. His giant appearance along with his uniform having glittering stars highly scared the security guy.
“am not here to feed your dogs with Britannia biscuits. I’ve got a lot to deal with. I can’t waste my time here. Just open the door”, he yelled.
“but sir?”
The doors opened and the jeep moved in. The security was really hurt and he was lying down out of pain. The interior was quite an Oxymoron! The pathway leading to the front side of the house was too long. There were a row of lamps glowing yellowish that would grab the attention easily. The garden was well maintained with separate workers and they were so pleasant. The aroma they spread all around makes us feel to stay there. As a child fills the space by arranging toys of different height, Raj could see variety of cars parked over a parking space and every car was royal and attractive. But for now, their jeep costs 3 Lakhs roared all through its way. Raj extended his neck and tried looking up. The roof…it was not at all seen!Raj thought about his leaking roof in his rented house.
“this fellow Martin…is he spending all his money for constructions. What an architectural marvel!”, he uttered.
Of course, it is a marvel. But whenever I see a Bunglow, I often think that what are they gonna’ do in such a big house? A normal house having two to three rooms is very much comfortable for a middle class family and these rich people keep on building things for just two or three where they would be often haunted by ghosts! Statistics says nearly 3000 people are left homeless every year while these bigshots will be changing their wives…our entire ecosystem in a balance! Only we humans keep on storing things. Before wasting a cake just for a night, think of those people dying out of hunger.
The jeep stopped at the entrance. All of them got down and entered with an order and driver made an U-turn and he was ready to start again. Martin was sitting in his Sofa and he looked much depressed. Raj entered the house politely and he hesitated. However he grabbed certain confidence to speak up.
“don’t worry! Try to relax”, a random woman tried comforting him offering him a coffee.
“maybe, you should have it in our station!”, Raj entered.
“who are you, man?”
“Head Constable Raj…we have come here to take you along with us. We’ve tried reaching you but no response.”
“The telephone is out of order”, the woman replied.
“whatever, now come with me”, he forced.
“who the hell are you man? Do you know who I am? Am already depressed. Don’t make me wild. Just leave”, Martin yelled.
“this is a general enquiry. Please do co-operate us. Don’t drive me mad. Just come with us.”
“just try to know who you are. You are just a constable and act accordingly. I can hire a million like you. Commissioner is my friend. A single call is enough, you’ll be no where!”
Raj had been very much tired hearing all these statements all through his days. He left the house with lot of hatred towards his job. He thought that he was really done. However he had to do his duty. He called Akhil…
Over here Akhil and Priyanka were on their coffee time. They had nothing to say but they just shared smiles!
“are you done now,sir? Shall I ask you something?”, Priyanka started again.
“well! Come on…”, he accepted.
“sir, that phone call…”, she said but this time she was interrupted by Raj’s call.
“one minute, love!”, he attended the call and switched on the loudspeaker.
“sir! He’s so rude. He isn’t co-operating. He is calling our Commissioner and he is speaking ill of us…actually me. Am waiting for your orders, sir! What shall I do now? Shall I return?”, Raj yelled out of anger.
“ah…yup! Return…”, he sighed.
“ yes, sir!”, he tried hanging up.
“but only with that bastard!”, Akhil commanded.
“whoever he maybe, but infront of us, he is just a suspect. Raj…you are my assistant and only I’ll fuck you. If he speaks out of his power, show him what you can do. You are a constable, Raj but you are serving our city and not him. Just put his phone off and pull him here. Whatever happens, your ACP will take care… “
“yes, sir!”, he exclaimed. Priyanka was really happy this time.
“nice shot, sir!”, she left smiling.
“worth for your smile!”, he murmured.
This time Raj wore his cap and entered the house again majestically. Martin saw him and pretended like calling someone again. Raj smiled…


© arvind