

The Women
I Always Says...adopt a Girl...
She'll Transform Your Life Into,
A Beautiful Living.

She - Dominates Love with Love
She - Dominates Hate with Love
She - Dominates You with Love

As, I Described in my Early Post, Each human Have different Thinking and Doesn't match To each Other; we Just accept And move on.

The Creator's Creativity That Can Create Another One, To Live - The Mother

The Mother's One of Her Eye - The Daughter

The Daughter's Living Freedom, The Parent's Trust.

She's Amazing in Everything
How She Portray Herself is Matter.

People always Appreciate womanhood and The reason Behind This Is; She'll Be A Mother One Day.


You're Amazing
Life's Interest You're
One's Living Purpose You're
You're the Witness To Creation
Your Nature Be Spoken
You're The Whole


Stay In Limit But Don't Be Arrogant
Stay In Distance But Without Egoism
Stay In Near But With Fence Around


Do Not Fight For Equal
As None To Compare You


Convince Your People For Growth
Never Give Up Or Never Disappoint


**Last But Not Least**

*At The Age Of Studying Do That Only, Do Not Ruin Your Life For Anyone Or For Anything*

*Love & Lust - Isn't Your Life Alone*


Be Original - Be You - Be A Woman
You're Your Strength

© Gautam K Vasu #EasternMansoon
@Samy6749 @Dolly12 @heer @Aqee @starshine6543 @SukiAM @Aswini_Official @BOSS8055 @unrealdreams24 @mynamefy