

Prodigy/Chapter Two/Runaways
It was a long night last night. Maatiaas and I ran and ran and ran-ran-ran! Somehow, we kept that steady beat.
Our feet were flying on the gravel pathway towards the town square on the little island.
We relaxed at a bench. There were many wild animals right there on that bench, but we managed. I sang Maatiaas a lullaby my mom used to sing to me. It went:
The days may be too cold for you
But you'll always be warm in my heart.
I thought you were a normal being
But you play the most important part...
Maatiaas knew the song. He sang along until we were both asleep.
Now it is morning, and we are eating bread we stole. The baker wasn't mad. He smiled and told us that we could take as much as we wanted for our journey to a new home.
He was so nice that I thought he would keep us.
He said that he couldn't, due to his wife being quite ill.
Maatiaas cried, for he said his father was ill too. It made my heart melt away. He is a sweet, innocent little orphan boy. I know I have to act like a mother to him.
And so I am. I am carrying him on my back as we walk down a dirt road.
Many people are looking and pointing.
That's how I know we are finally in the town square.