

Brush with Death
The car sped through the dark night, it's headlights flashing, warning the incoming traffic as it spiraled out of control coming to a firey crash. I ran from where I stood to the scene the car was engulfed in flames as the smell of burnt flesh filled my lungs.
"Help!" I screamed as I flagged down traffic.
I couldn't understand what was happening drivers passed by like nothing had happened. I covered my arm with my hoodie and I pulled open the car door. Smoke clouded my vision as I went to grab the woman on fire, and suddenly the world changed around me. I was behind the wheel of the vehicle as it spiraled out of control. I screamed flashing the lights to warn oncoming traffic to move. In the blink of an eye I could feel all my bones crushing inside me as the fire started to kill my nerves. Again I found myself outside the smoldering wreck.
"It's time." a voice whipered as a skeletal hand rested on my shoulder.
I found myself speechless as I stared into the blank face of death.
"What is happening?" I asked.
"Your time has run short, it's time to return your soul." Death replied.
"I'm not ready to go yet." I cried falling to my knees.
"For eons I have listened to this same plea, this time I shall show you." Death answered as we fell into a black pit of smoke.
I watched myself from the outside moments before the crash. I was in a restroom and I was about to give birth. Joy flooded me as I watched on to see my son be born.
"I have a son." I wept.
"Had a son, look deeper." Death answered.
I continued to watch as I held my newborn in my arms. He cried and cried and panic rose in my expression as I placed my hand over his mouth.
"What's going on in there." an angry man's voice yelled pounding on the door.
"Nothing." I answered in a panic as I held my hand over my babies mouth.
"It'll be okay I won't ever let him hurt you." I whispered to my child.
the door pounded again startling me causing me to tighten my grip crushing my newborn sons lungs. my heart dropped to the floor as he began struggling for air and silent tears ran down my face as I held my lifeless son in my arms.
"It'll be okay." I whispered to the tiney corpse. "mommy will get you all fixed up."
I slipped out the window with the dead child and rushed to my car. It was hard to see through all my tears and the rain on my windshield. I flashed my high beams only for a moment to find a tractor trailer coming for me head on, and in a flash my life too was gone.
"Where is my baby?" I cried, "I need to see him."
"He has passed over easily as should you." Death replied holding out his boney fingers.
"How do I know this isn't a trap?" I asked in hesitation.
"You dont." He answered as the darkness took us over.