

Tell us about an unforgettable experience that left you sadder but wiser.

Three years back,
I happened to pass through the orphanage and could see the disabled childs there with despair and no rays of hope in life. Few of them didn’t have adequate limbs, few had blindness and few were impaired in different terms eating away their childhood which each kid deserves… No only kids, grown ups were no different. They weren’t self sufficient and needed someone to support, hold and Live marginally well.
I was taken aback and equally a sense of thankfulness beamed out of me towards God and lord almighty that I have been granted full hog body to be self sufficient and live & lead life of my own. If one can see, touch , feel pain /fun, hear and move without any help… One should feel blessed and should be happiest person in life. I tried my level best to do something for kids in orphanage so secretly and committed myself to continue to do same.
God gives us abundance which we least focus, rather we continue to aspire for more with no end to desires
© Ashish Sophat