

The Prince and the Pauper (Chapter 1 Prince Duties)
A/N: In a far away land in the 1800's there lived a prince his name is Alexander Humphrey Duncan together with his mother Queen Adrella and king Arthur, Alexander will be the next reigning king...Of the kingdom Ashthensire,....But before that let us see what is life in the kingdom of Ashthensire...

"Your highness time to wake up breakfast is ready"

I was waken up from the voice of fredrick which is my butler, I sat up on my bed I turn to look at him I saw him standing outside my bedroom perfectly well dressed, I look at him head to toe I notice that he is holding a tray on his hands with a lot of food on top..

"Well Good morning your highness breakfast is served" he smiles at me, He walks up to me with the tray on his hands he neatly place it on my bedside table...

"Thank you fredrick, So what are my duties today?" I smile at him,he looks at me happier as usual..

"Well your highness you will be going to a town nearby" Frederick told me with excitement...

I chuckled.."Well what is this town all about?" I calmly ask him..

"Well your highness this town is very poor.." he sadly told me.. "This town had been through a lot Robberies, Calamities even starvation"

I look at him shock.."Wow...thank you for telling me Fredrick you can go now" I smile at him..

"Do you need anything your highness?" he asks me..

"Well what will be riding?" I ask him...

"Well your father wants you to ride in a carriage" he calmly told me..

"Well can I ride my horse there?" I ask him once again..

"Well it's your decision your majesty I will set up your horse then.." he smiles at me..

"Off you go then" I smile at him..

"Alright your highness ring the bell beside you if you're finished eating" he smiles at me...

I look at him and nod,He walk back outside my bedroom he closes the door gently... After that I was left alone eating my breakfast..

"Oh yeah I forgot to tell you let me introduce myself my name is Alexander Humphrey Duncan I live in a Castle together with my mom and Dad I'm an only child so basically I was spoiled but don't worry I'm not a bad person...I was raised strictly here, Life in the palace is hard when I was still 4 years old, My mom thought me alot of things including how to use proper utensils and etiquette...Well today I'm 18 years old the protocols are still passed down generations to generations in a few months I will be next king of the kingdom of Asthensire....but Before that let me finish my food first..."

(A few minutes later)

I finish eating my breakfast I took the bell and rang it, immediately a maid went inside my bedroom....

"Yes your highness?" She smiles at me softly...

"I finish eating" I told her

"Okay your highness I will clean this up" she smiles..

"But before that I will pick my clothes okay?" I smile at her...

"But your highness, The queen doesn't want you to-"

I interupt her..."Just don't tell my mother okay?" I will be riding my horse to a town nearby" I calmly told her..

"Alright your highness have a safe trip!"

"I will be back in a few hours" I smile at her...

"Yes your highness" she excuse herself and she walk past me...

I went in my walk in closet, I took some clothes that I will wear today...

"Am I going to disguise myself?" I ask myself "But do they know me? Ugh" I groan "Might aswell wear my cowboy clothes then"

I took my cowboy clothes and wore them...When I was about to go outside..I forgot something..

"Of course! I need my cowboy hat!" I chuckled I took my cowboy hat and wore them...after that I take one last look of myself and went outside, My bedroom is perfectly clean...I was about to walk outside my bedroom but I realize something..

"My mother doesn't want me to look like this especially inside the palace!" I exclaimed but an Idea Pop up..

I smirk "Well then let's do this the hard way" I walk up to my bedroom window I opened it and look down...

"I'm not really high from the ground, I can jump from a roof" so I quietly climb outside my bedroom window I jump on the roof luckily it's windy out so you won't quite hear the jumping noises... I slowly jump off the roof I land on the ground safe I look around me there we're alot of guards roaming around the kingdom so I walk to the stables I saw Fredrick patiently waiting for me next to my horse, he immediately saw me

"Oh your highness you're here!" He excitedly told me..

"Shh...don't shout my mother will come here she is in the garden" I quietly told him..

"I'm sorry your highness" he looks at me sadly...

"No I'm so sorry for my behavior Fredrick" I look at him...

"That's okay your highness" he happily told me..

"Well have a fun trip to the town your highness do you need a guard to follow you or something?" He asks me..

"Oh no need Fredrick I'm fine I will be back in lunch time" I smile at him..

"Yes your highness"

So I hop on my horse..

"And also Fredrick"

"Yes? Your highness?"

"If my mom ask you where I went..I want you to tell her that I was visiting a town nearby"

"Alright your highness"

So me and my horse sped off..

(A few minutes later)

I passed a lot of trees,shops when finally I saw a town in the field....I hop off my horse I tie it on a pole I sat down on the ground smelling all the beautiful flowers..

"It's beautiful out" I smile..and look at the beautiful sky the cold breeze swept through my hair..

"Well let's see what is like to be in a town that been through alot" so I untie my horse and hop on after that me and my horse went Inside the town..there we're alot of people dancing smiling laughing...

"Why did Fredrick told me that this town been through alot there are alot of happy people!?" I hop off my horse I tie my horse on a pole and I head off while I was walking I smell something from a far it smells like newly baked bread my stomach grumbles..

"Ooh I guess I'm hungry" I chuckled so I follow the aroma I walked and walked until I saw a bakery in front of me...

"Yes finally!" I smile in excitement "wait do I have coins?" I ask myself I put my hands inside my pocket and took out 2 gold coins and 2 silver coins...

"This is enough I guess" I told myself I went up to the bakery there was no people so I called out..

"Um hello? Anybody here?" I called out...the door bust open immediately a girl ran up to me out of breath..

"I-I um I'm so sorry sir what would you like?" She stutters

I look at her top to bottom she is so beautiful! Her hair is straight and silky her clothes is filled with dirt but her personality attracts me more she is so mature and energetic...

"Uh sir excuse me are you going to order something?" She asks me..

I snap out from my daydream.."I-I uh yes" I scratch my head "I-I want this and this" I point at different kind of breads..

"Alright sir!" She smiles at me..

(A few minutes later)

She gave me a bag of newly bake bread..."How much are these?" I ask her politely..

"Well" she smiles "it's kinda expensive sir but if you want a lower price I can give it to you" she exclaimed..

"Oh is it that expensive? Well tell me how much are these?" I ask her calmly..

"Well it cost 2 gold coins and 2 silver coins" she smiles at me..

"Great!" So I gave her the coins I brought..

"Wow...You do have alot of money sir!" She happily told me "This my first time receiving this much" she chuckles

"Well you deserve this miss" I chuckle..

"Please sir call me Adeline" she spoke

"You have a unique name" I smile..

While me and Adeline we're talking a grumpy lady went up to her and pull her hair

"OWW" Adeline shouts


I interupt their argument...

"Miss... Please don't hurt her she is guarding your bakery.." I sadly replied

"YOU HAVE NOTHING TO DO WITH THIS YOUNG MAN!" She angrily spoke to me..

And once again the old grumpy looking lady continued scolding her..

Alexander's POV:

This pretty lady doesn't deserve this kind of treatment! If this lady won't stop I will stop this once and for all...

So I bust open the door I went up to them and interupt their argument...


"Excuse me I know you are an old lady you might be thinking that I will not respect an old lady like you but your behavior is too much for me to handle...you are causing a SCENE!! CAN'T YOU NOTICE YOUR SURROUNDINGS!? I'm so sorry I can't just control my anger I hope you understand"...I calmly told her...

The look of her face instantly change her angry face turns into a sad look she looks around her when she notice that there are alot of people watching their argument she immediately fled the scene so I was left alone with Adeline she looks at me sadly...

"Sir why do you need to do that.... I'm so sorry that you should witness that I'm so sorry!!" She cries in dispair

I look at her gloomy face..

"Hey...it's alright!" I smile at her sweetly "cheer up!" I happily told her...

She wipes her tears, She looks at me smiling bright...

"You really don't want to see me sad aren't you?"

I chuckled..

"Why not? your pretty face need to be seen after all~" I wink at her...

She blushes lightly..

"Hey? Let's go somewhere I really want to pay you back everything you did back there"

"Oh no need! I'm very much happy to help you"

"No I INSIST!! You should come with me you won't regret it I promise you!" She looks at me pleading...

I sighed..

"Oh fine if you insist then" I smile..

"GREAT!!!" She excitedly told me..

She pulled my arm and she leads me outside the bakery..

"Where are we going?" I ask her..

"It's a secret!"

"What if I don't trust you" I tease her..

" You can trust me!!" She smiles..

We walk and walk until we are in a field surrounded by beautiful flowers the wind went through our hair... Adeline looks at me..

"Let's sit here" she calmly told me...

So we sat down on the grass overlooking the animals...

"This place is very beautiful"

Adeline chuckles "Well sir I'm really happy that you love this place" she smiles at me..

"Call me Alex-"

Alexander's POV:


"Um...Sir what is your name?" She confusingly asked me..

"Oh! Yeah!!" I scratch my head. "My name is Mason!"

I have no time to think of a name so I blurted that out of my mouth...

"What a wonderful name!" She smiles "That name really fits you Mason" she chuckles..

"Is it because I look like a cowboy to you?" I chuckled..

"You read my mind!" She laughs..

So me and Adeline continued talking about our lives...

A/N: Well this is the end of chapter one I hope you guys like it! (Smiles)

© 🍑 Peaches~