

Nightmares meeting reality
Chapter 4

     I dragged myself out of bed because it was time to get ready for school. Thank goodness it is Friday.  I didn't feel as tired as I did yesterday. I immediately wanted coffee though. I rushed down the stairs to find Ian sitting at his computer.

     "Good morning, baby" he first said too me as he looked up from his computer screen. "We have a two hour delay because of snow and I have your coffee ready for you, baby".

     "Ugh, snow. Really" I said. I hated snow. Didn't really have a good reason too, I just do. Fall was my favorite season.
I sipped on my coffee and walked over to Ian. He was watching YouTube and it seemed to be hilarious because he was laughing non stop. I went to the chair and sat down when I got bored. I went to get my phone from upstairs. I had a notification that school had closed for the day. Yes! I can go back to sleep and hopefully get some of my questions answered. I went downstairs to tell Ian that school was canceled when he looked at me and told me the same thing i was going to tell him.

     "I know, love. I was coming down here too tell you that" I said. He chuckled a bit and then suddenly smiled and said "Let's go out for breakfast". Not exactly wanting too because it's not even 7 but the idea of spending time with just Ian and going to breakfast together, sounded absolutely perfect. 

     "ABSOLUTELY"! I excitedly reply.

     He had already taken and shower but wanted too again when I did. By the time we got out and dressed it was 7:25.
"How about we leave at 8" Ian asked. "Sounds good to me, love"  I said back to him with a yawn.

"Are you sure that okay with you, baby? You seem tired". "Yes, it okay and no, I'm not tired. I just yawned" I said.
"Okay, baby" he says, with a curious sounding voice.

We reach a small diner that looked crowded so we decided on what he know we both like. McDonald's! We went through the drive-throuhh and sat in the car at an empty store parking lot. Even though I knew I was spending time with Ian, my mind was racing elsewhere. I just kept wondering who the women was and how she knew my name.

     Ian must have looked over at me while I was eating my burrito because next I knew Ian was asking me "what's wrong, baby? I know you said you were fine yesterday morning but I knew you were lying to me then. Now you're not all excited like you usually are when we get McDonald's, Lucy. Tell me, what's going on"?

     What he just said was bouncing around in my head. It was now the only thing I was thinking of. I thought about how I was going to tell him. I was trying to figure out what part too tell him. Do I tell him all of it? Or just keep it simple instead of explaining everything. I didn't want him to think I was starting to go crazy. I then let out a heavy sigh and words started to just flow out of my mouth. "Nightmares" I said. "I've had nightmares the last two nights".
     I was honestly thinking he was going to start laughing at any second now or say I'm just crazy. He didn't. He said exactly the opposite of what I was thinking. "Tonight, I'll stay awake. You can sleep so if you wake up, you can talk to me about it. I'll be ready too listen, baby".

     I smiled and simply said "thank you, love". I felt so much relief lift off me. He grabs my hand and kisses it. We finish breakfast and it's now 11am. "How about we go into the store here, since are already in their parking lot, and get some snacks. We'll have a movie day" he says. I nodded my head yes and got out of the truck and went into the store.

     When we were done, we went straight home and went to the bedroom. I got everything out of the bags and set it on the bed while he put pajamas back on. He then turned on the Tv and flopped into bed and started eating potato chips. I then changed into my pajamas. I put our phones on the nightstand and turned off the light and climbed over him to my side of the bed. We watched anime and ate our snacks. We both fell asleep shortly after.

    I woke up around 3 in the afternoon to the sound of the anime theme song playing and actually felt well rested. Ian then wakes up when I started to set up. "I think my mom and dad are home" he says before letting out a loud yawn. He gets up and stretches for a minute and then heads downstairs. I lay back down because I didn't feel like getting up. I was actually feeling disappointed that I didn't have a nightmare. I wanted answers. I drowning in my own thoughts.

     Ian caught me off guard when he snuck back into the bedrooms, since I wasn't paying attention this time.
"BOO"! he shouts with excitement and popping up right next too the bed. I jumped up quickly in fright.
"DAMN IT, IAN" I said in a loud voice, he knew I was a little bit irritated.

     "Got you this time"! he said while laughing. "Anyways, mom and dad are going to my sister's for the weekend to help her unpack stuff. She was able to move into her new house today. They just left and are going to come home sunday"

    "Okay, babe" I said.

     We spent the rest of the day relaxing, laughing and enjoying each other's company. We don't get to spend quality time together as much as he and I would both like. So this, is priceless too me. We lay in bed watching movies on Hulu until it's dark out. I look over at Ian and told him i was feeling sleepy.

     "Go to sleep baby, I'll stay awake as promised" he says. Leaning towards my face, he gives me a kiss and whispers goodnight to me.

     I fall asleep quickly and soon I couldn't hear the sound of anime playing anymore. I knew I was in a deep sleep.


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