

Alone Part 1
"Hey Laura, I forgot to tell you that you dad and me are going to your grandma's place, Don't forget to take care of your dog"

"Ok Mom"

"Thanks Sweetie"

"You welcome Mom..By the way when are you going at grandma's Place?"

" Tommorow Morning, Is that fine for you? We wanted to take you along but you had fever few days back"

"Oh That's ok mum..I'll be fine"

"Ok Sleep Early"

" Ok Mom"

Laura was sitting alone in her bedroom doing her homework. After homework she took medicines and went deep to sleep. Tommorow Morning hey parents were getting ready to leave at grandma's house. While leaving her mum reminded her to not open the door at all.
Laura nodded her head.

When her parents left she called her best friends and invited them for nightover. Everyone refused to come. She felt all alone in the big bungalow. She felt that someone broke in to the house as she was alone. But when she checked there was nothing. She wanted to keep her busy so she watched a funny movie at Netflix. That movie made her laugh but something paranormal happened with her!