

The wings of the Swan and Cyrano's sword - Act I
Act I

Cyrano had just found his Roxane. Théo knew it the instant their eyes met.

She was undoubtedly the most beautiful girl he had ever seen, and the words of his character died in his throat when he saw her. Her long, wavy hair the color of purest gold, now gently swaying in the evening breeze, cascaded softly along her ethereal heart-shaped face. Her large, luminous green eyes shone with a passion that Théo knew all too well because it was the same passion he felt every day when he stepped onto that stage that had become his second home.

"I'm Adèle," she said to the charming stranger, whispering her name a little too softly for him to hear.

But Théo understood perfectly. He read it on her lips, and that name, just like that moment, would stay in his heart forever.

Meanwhile, Adèle's heart raced for the man who, under the yellowish and dim light of the lamppost, almost seemed like an angel. He was truly handsome, tall, with an athletic physique, fair skin, and long, slightly disheveled raven curls that fell just above his shoulders. But what struck her the most was the purity that seemed to emanate from his soul, a purity that shone through his kind gaze.

Adèle had never felt like this before, never. She desired him with all of herself.

Théo slowly approached her, and she began to catch his scent—a mix of cologne and sweat—and what seemed to be a fragrance unique to him, one that emanated from his skin.

Théo, too, now sensed Adèle's scent, a light fragrance that smelled of freshness and flowers, and his head started spinning like that of a drunkard. His legs trembled even more than before, and his heart threatened to burst from his chest.

Then, he smiled at her, so sweetly that an adorable dimple formed around his hazel eyes—a dimple that Adèle, if given the chance, would have gazed at for hours on end.

However, the idyll couldn't last forever, and Adèle was abruptly brought back to reality. Thus, the enchantment shattered as soon as she remembered Émile.

In the end, with her heart sinking into her chest, Adèle fled before Théo could even say his name. And he wanted to tell her so many other things, just as he wanted to hold her close.

But Adèle vanished before his eyes, like a ghost, disrupting his life once again.

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