

"Hannah"  he screamed my name

"Ooh God, he is back I need to hide"

Any child my age will love to see their dad, not me.

My name is Funke Hannah Davidson, I am 13years old, yes 13years, every child my age See's their dad as a superhero, once again, not me. I see mine as a monster, a monster that he really is.

And my mum?, hmmmm I really don't know anything about her.

I was told by the man I called dad, that mummy left when I turned one, to where?, you may ask, I asked the same question but got a hot slap as my answer, with  strict warning to never question him  again, I was only five then.

Hiding under my bed seems to be the best solution for me, but I always get caught. so going down to greet him was my Best bet.

"Good evening sir," I greeted my dad not looking at him, not huging or smiling at him

"What took you soo long?, I need my food now" he ordered not answering my greeting

"Yes daddy," I said Turning to get his food from the kitchen

"How was school today? "

"Fine sir" he only asked about school when he was in a good mood.

"thank God I came down to greet him" I thought

"What happened to your face Hannah?" He asked with a questioning look

"you  didn't have that scar there before leaving for school today"

" I tripped and fell Sir" I didn't dare tell my dad about Susan, he will kill me if he knew I was bullied in school.

"Funke I hate lies" he said taking off his tie and shoes

"I'm sorry sir"

"Get out of my sight" he said  raising his voice, suddenly   looking irritated

I ran to my room and gently close  the door, I was safe for the day.........i guess.....


"No!, no!!, nooo!!" I screamed

I was sweating, I was dreaming again.

The cloud was still dark, so I took my phone from the bed side, the light from my screen came up

" 5:00am" I groaned, my dreams  were now my morning alarm, scary but it was better then running late for school.

I stood up going to the bathroom to brush my teeth, i stared at my reflection on the mirror, eyes swollen from  crying last night.

" you are going to be fine Hannah," I told myself  faking a smile on my swollen face.

I left my room to the kitchen to prepare breakfast for myself and dad.

Cooking was something that helped ease my stress and pain. I learnt how to cook the basics like rice, stew and spaghetti from dad the rest were from YouTube.

Cooking brought back good memories, I remember dancing on the kitchen table while daddy taught me how to prepare rice. What really happened?, where did my once loving dad go?, I asked myself, well  I guess those days are over.

After putting his meal in his flasks, I want to shower running to avoid getting late

Daddy hate lateness, he hate dirtiness

Running to the bus stop, I climbed the bus and sat at my usually sit, front row close to the window. The moment  the bus came to a stop in front of junior high Lagos, I knew  what was waiting for me or who.

Susan and her friends that's who, Junior high Lagos was like hell to me, staying at home with dad was hellfire to me.  I had no peace, my lunch was always taken away from me, i had to share lunch with Lucy my best friend. i was either locked in the  stinking toilet or forced to miss my first period of class.

"Hey Hannah, catch!!" Susan said dragging my bag from my hands And throwing my books on the floor, her friends laughed pointing at me. 

I bend down to pick my books from the floor but Susan immediately pushed me making me fall face down.

Student going to their various classes stood watching my humiliation, but none dared challenge Susan.This was her kingdom, you mess with her you get dragged down.

"Thanks for the meal ugly doll" she said taking my lunch, she walked to her friends and said something to them, then she matched to her class throwing my lunch in the school trash can.

"At least she didn't Lock me in the school toilet today" I said

"Need help" Lucy asked, i nodded she pulled me from the floor and hugged me.

"You need to report to the principal about this Han"

"I can't" i said  now resisting the urge to cry

"dad will be invited to school and if he finds out about this" I said pointing to my books on the floor

"He will kill me" I added demonstrating with my hands round my neck

"Why not report your dad to the police for child abuse"

"You think it's  that easy Lucy?, it is not ooh, that man will hunt me down"

"OK  calm down, but we are sharing my Lunch, deal?"

"Deal" I smiled

Lucy was the only one that knew about my dad and the abuse I faced at home, she knew I cried every night and always tried to make me smile, she was like my little ray of sunshine in my dark life

"Earth to Hannah" she said snapping me back to reality

"Come on let's go or we are going to be late for class again" she said dragging me to class after helping to pick my books.


"Maybe we should just go to my house, mum can drop you off after you spend an hour or two"

"sorry lucy, I can't today, I need to work on Mrs T's assignment, maybe you can come i,  Lucy's dad about my dad and his constant beating, he took out his Bible and holy water promising to fast and pray for him.

"Lucy please don't" I said not ready for more drama

" I need to go now, I don't want to miss the bus"

"I'm going to tell my dad Hannah, you are going through a lot"

"Please don't, if my dad finds out I told someone about this Lucy, I can't imagine what he will do" turning to stare at her I placed my hands on her shoulders.

"promise me you won't tell your dad"

"I promise"

"Swear? "

"I swear"

" thank you "i said running to join other students trying to get on the bus

For weeks now I secretly spent sometime at Lucy's after school and her mum always dropped me off before dad came back from work but going there today didn't feel right

The moment I dropped from the bus and opened the gate to our house I knew why It didn't feel right, my instinct was working,  he was home early.

My dads car was parked in front of our house, I walked inside and saw him working on his laptop

"Good afternoon sir"

"Mmmmm" he murmured without looking up, I walked to my room showered and went to the kitchen to prepare dinner.

Dad was still working on his laptop when I finished cooking I dished his food in his flask as usual and headed to my room, two hours later I heard dad screamed my name

"Funke!, Hannah!!, funke!!! "

"Sir!!" I answered running to the kitchen.

I didn't get to the kitchen before I knew I was in TROUBLE, he was standing at the entrance of the kitchen, eyes red with hot flames  he pointed at me then to his phone,

" Lucy's dad just called me, what did you tell him"

"I didn't do anything, I swear, I didn't tell anyone" I said hot tears now dropping from my eyes.

I told Lucy not to tell her dad,  I even made her swear why did she break her promise.

My thought was cut short the moment he dragged me to the sitting room throwing  me across the room like I weighed nothing, i landed on the floor my back hitting the wall

He immediately locked the doors of our house and took out his belt, I was still trying to get up when I felt the first  impact of his belt on My  skin, I screamed but it was useless,  from the thirteen years of my existence  I knew my neighbours never bothered to help out they all believe in beating the living Jesus out of their kids and minding their business.

"So you think talking shit about me and telling your friends what goes on in my house is right abi?, I am going to fix you today" he said kicking me on my stomach and hitting me with the belt

"Daddy please"

"Daddy?, is that what you call me?, If you have respect for me you won't go about talking about our family" he screamed pointing at me his fingers nearly piercing my eyes.

He dragged me with my legs to the dinning room throwing me on the floor my head immediately came in contact with the stool at the far end of the dinning room, I felt a sharp pain on my head and touched where it hurts the most, i was bleeding.

Everything became blur, my eyes were failing me, the room was turning but the man in front of me was still advancing with his belt ready to hit me again, just then everything went blank.


Beep, beep, beep

The beeping sound was getting louder, I opened my eyes, I was in the hospital. Already used to the environment I turned to see my dad standing at the edge of my bed.

"I am going to get doctor Paul," he walked to the door then turned

"Make sure you don't open That your wide mouth to say  any shit"

I nodded

Opening my wide mouth got me to this position, so why will I open it again. my head was bandaged which means the cut was really deep, all my body hurts.

The door to my room open and an elderly man walked in, dad was not with him.

"Hey Hannah"

"Hi, doctor Paul"

"So how do you feel?" he asked walking to the side of my bed with his ever bright smile, I wonder if he ever had a problem or if he ever frowns.

"I feel pains, everywhere"

"I'm going to prescribe some pill's to reduce the pains" he said "so what happened this time?"

"I fell"

"So I heard, you have been falling a lot lately young lady"

I smiled

"When will I be discharge?"


"I don't want to go home, please" I said tears running down my eyes, I was not ready to face my dad not yet.

"I think, I can arrange that but on one condition"he said sitting at the edge of my bed

" what? "I asked turning to look at him, he was not smiling I could read the seriousness in his eye's.

"what really happened to you?"

"The scars and injuries on your body are not from falls, see this.." He took my right hand and pointed to a scar I got from last two weeks beating

"This scar, anyone who See's this knows it's from a belt,and the injury on your head is too deep"

"Why not ask my dad?"

"Cause I know he had something to do with it."

"Hannah i am a member of this organization that help kids that are being molested, if you talk to me I promise to help you"

"I don't need help sir"

I just can't take the risk, who knows my dad might have paid him to ask me questions, I just can't trust anyone.

"Ok, but promise me if you need any help you will call me" he said giving me his card

"I promise, can I spend the night here now? "

"Yes you can and don't worry I will talk to your dad" he stood up smiling

"and remember anything you give me a call, ok?"


He smiled and left the room, I guess I was safe for the day till tomorrow


I was folding my clothes in my bag and arranging my stuff in a box when I heard the beeping of my phone, I stared at the screen, it was Lucy, she has been calling for hours now

"I guess I have to hear her out right?" I said talking to no one in particular and picking my phone

"Hannah, hello"

I couldn't get myself to respond to her,I was very mad at her,  really mad

"Hannah, are you ok?"

"I'm fine"

"What happened to you?, you didn't pick my calls," she asked

" i am sure I gave you twenty miss calls already" she added

"I'm fine Lucy"

"Is your dad home?"


"Am coming over"

" why?"

"Uhmmm hello ,today is Saturday, you said I can come over if your dad is not home, plus you missed school yesterday and I think I deserve an explanation"

"I think It's the other way round"

"What do you mean?"

"Lucy you told your dad and he called my dad"

"I still don't understand" she said unsure of what I was talking about

"You told your dad about my family issues" I said now raising my voice


Anyone could detect the shock in her voice, I imagined how shocked she  looked

"I didn't tell my dad, Hannah I promised for Christ sake"

"Then who did?"I asked sarcastically

" you are the only one  I told plus it was your dad that called my dad"

"I didn't tell daddy trust me" she pleaded

"Oh my God, mummy"

"What happened to her"

"My dairy have been missing for days now, mummy gave it to me this morning, said she found it in her room" she said her voice now reduced to a whisper

"Am very sorry Hannah"

"Its ok,I mean literally its not your fault"

"Am coming over"



"My dad wants me to stay away from you, plus we are leaving"


"When is your dad coming back?" She asked

"6pm I think"

"Am coming over and don't try to stop me, my best friend is leaving and I need to see her"

"Ok" I said smiling

Thirty minutes later I ran to get the door, the moment I opened the door Lucy dragged me into a warm embrace that lasted for five minutes.

she pulled back, with her eyes wide open she pointed at my bandaged head unable to produce any sensible word,  I noticed she was struggling to breath and immediately reached into her bag to get her inhaler, she inhaled it ,i helped her to sit on the sofa and rested her head on my shoulder, carefully not to touch my head.

"He did that to you" she said more like a statement then a question

I nodded immediately regretting the action as I felt pains

" I am sorry Hannah"
"Its not your fault"

"I'm still sorry, I was careless and this is my fault"she said tears now running down her eyes

"It's ok, I need you to pull yourself together and come help me arrange my things "

She nodded

I was going to miss her, the only positive thing about leaving was Sofia and her bulling but who knows, I might be meeting a worst version of Sofia where I was moving to.

"Hannah what's this?" Lucy said waving doctor Paul's card that was on my bed

"A doctor gave that to me he said  he works for a non governmental organization that helps kids who are being molested" I said taking the card from her

" did you call him?"



"I don't know"

"Give me the card    "

She took the card from my hand and copied the number to her phone

"What are you doing Lucy?" I asked but before she could answer I heard the door to the house opened with a loud bang and heard my dad scream my name

Authors note

hey guys if you wonna know what happened to Hannah please like and comment 💖💖💖