

Red hair part 11
let her go!!
Naz:do you remember me?
Nayba:it has been so long?
what did you do to your hair?!? plus why did you kidnapped Rose?
Naz:😂😂 I did not well not alone😄
Batin:oh Nayba we have been waiting for you😁
Nayba:How could you Batin what did I do to you?!?
Batin:you don't think I know?
Nayba:what do you mean?
Batin:oh don't act like you don't know😡😠
Naz:Batin remember she is bleeding she is becoming pale
Nayba:What she is bleeding she is upside down!?!
Naz:your little friend is going to die
Nayba:not if I can't do anything
Batin:you are nothing without your hair😂
Nayba:well at list I still have hair
(they all fought but Nayba won the fight)let me take you to the hospital
(At the hospital)
Doctor:mam she has lost a lot of blood
Nayba:so what do we need?
Doctor:she needs blood
Nayba:what type of blood?
Doctor:she needs A+ type of blood
Nayba:can you check my blood type?
Doctor:sure to the lab please
(In the lab)
Doctor:calm down it is just a needle
Doctor:just close your eyes we don't have enough time
Nayba:*close her eyes*are we done?
Doctor:yes now I need to check what you blood type
(Two minutes later)
Doctor:I still don't get it this blood is not in the book this is the all type
Nayba:I don't care about that so can the blood do?
Doctor:yes it can!!
(Three hours later)
Doctor:you can see her
Nayba:are you ok?
Rose:is this the school hospital?
I don't remember it has big as this
Nayba:you are ok
Rose:so did you get information tell me everything
*Nayba did*
Rose:oh my god where is he now?
Nayba:maybe he is with his ansectors
Rose:so you knock him hard?!?
Nayba:ofcource I did
Rose:that's my girl now get me out of here
Nayba:you need rest now am here
Doctor:Miss Nayba can I talk to you?
Nayba:ok am coming
*with the doctor*
Nayba:what now doc?
Doctor:your blood is one of a kind
Doctor:we need more
Doctor:your blood can save a lot of people
Nayba:so if I die you will know that I am a human that needs blood too right?
Doctor:Miss you have to understand we can replace your blood
Nayba:sorry I am very comfortable with my own blood
Doctor:just come and see how much people needs it
Nayba:so why is my blood so important?
Doctor:because it has anti-age and it is hard to get cancer and the blood is in your hair
Doctor:just read this book and you well understand
I hope you liked it 💗if you did you can follow @Faithly she will really like it🌻🌼
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