

( Source of Information: Ganeshshankar Vidhyarthi's 'Dharm ki aadh' )

Many people are exclaiming in the name of 'Dharm' .

Many of them have already fixed the strategy in their mind that whatever happens, they would die to preserve their dharm.
They won't let anyone to remove it from our nation.

Giving the shape of the figure of  a God on a stone, makes crazy everyone. It acts like any magnet and pulls the theists towards it.

"पाथर पूजे हरि मिले, तो मैं पूजू पहाड़ !
घर की चाकी कोई ना पूजे, जाको पीस खाए संसार !!"

- संत कबीर

This means that if we can find God just by praying to a stone, then I shall go and pray the mountain.
Everyone prays a stone but wheat, which fills our stomach.

Let's know now, what Dharm is in our country, India.

Waking up early in the morning , not completing her sleep well, she starts washing the special dishes  used in the temple, plays the shell and later the bell several times around each and every rooms ,holding the dhunachi with a mantra flowing from her mouth whose meanings are flowing above her head too.
The theist will spend two-three hours sitting infront of the God singing different religious songs and will perform 'Aarti'. Muslims will perform panchnamaaz each and every day.


To please 'their' bhagwaan, 'their' allah.

But instead of 'please' the word 'bribe' suits more.

Our these actions doesn't show the way of pleasing God. Instead it displays our way of bribing.

If a person feels himself free to cause any disturbance or to commit any crime after joining his hands infront of the God, and recieving the tilak on his forehead, I don't understand the value of Dharm.

We forgot that God listens silent prayers too. We don't need to perform any 'nitya' or 'taandav' to please God.

Now let's focus what Dharm really is.

Mahatma Gandhi had never thought to step forward without Dharm. For him, Dharm was the manner of honesty, truthfulness and goodness.
His famous quote which is well known to us i.e.

'Ahinsa param dharm'

which means non violence.

Mahatma Gandhi  followed non violence while bringing India in the path of freedom.
Yes! However it took time.
But good things and success take time to arrive.

People are divided here in the name of religions. Their introduction is in their surname.
And the famous dialogue of bollywood i.e "Naam mein kya rakha hain?"
(What's in name?) exist for a reason
Also ourGods are different with different names with different shelters whose names are different too  like temple, mosque, church, gurudwara etc.

People won't focus how good theist you are. They won't judge you through which God you follow. Your character decides who you are.

Today in the name of God, poor animals like goats, hens, ducks,pigeons  are being sacrificed by us.

But whereas God want everyone in this universe to be happy and live peacefully but meanwhile what we do?

Kill animals and we pray God for our blessings.

Doing something against God's wish, we expect something good for us from  God.

Strange isn't it?

And besides that, the Constitution states that we are free to follow any religion but it is also clearly mentioned that we can't sacrifice animals in the name of religion.

Many people well known as Sadhus and Baba take place of God and does something which seems to us as magic.

They will say about our past and future and we are like 'woowww!! How do you know that?' and we keep praising him with very respectful words .

And then we keep thinking if that person was an another version of God and we start obeying whatever his instructions are.

And slowly by slowly, we didn't know when we become his puppet.

He runs us in the direction of his finger.

He will order us to feed grains to 10 cows, he will order us to donate an amount of rupees in the temple, he will order us to roll around infront of the temple till we reach the steps, he will order us to climb the stairs of the temple kneeling ,keeping diyas on our palms lighting it.
And we the layman, keep following his orders consuming our time, harming us, without caring about money like any blind person who isn't able to discover what's really happening.

If nothing good happenes, then we start blaming either our luck or that person whom we now won't get a chance to even meet again because we don't know where the hell he ran away fooling us.

This society would have been a little bit better if we would be able to distinguish and wouldn't have accepted the place of those fake persons. Many times to better our luck, we keep visiting those predictors to get some good advice but why?

Aren't we strong to do hard work? Being physically strong isn't only important but mentally strong too. If you are, obviously you are mentally prepared to face any difficulty with a smile and if you lose after and after, I believe there's a reason behind it.

Everything happens for a reason. The reason may be small or huge but it will surely give you a reason to get happy.

We, the theist keep running hither and dither in search of God. But ever realized that he is always with us?

No! I am not here to force you to throw religion from yourself. I am here to make you understand about the term 'Secularism.'
India is a Secularism country. It means everyone is free to follow any religion of their wish and no one can force anyone to follow a particular religion.

Let me ask you a question.
When we really remind ourself of God?

When we need something, when we are in trouble, when we want a solution or help etc. And then forget it.
Whenever they see something difficulty coming towards them, they starts calling to their God.

I bet only a few of you thank God after it.

A true theist isn't like this in manner. They know that God are always there with him and have faith in God that whatever is happening with them, it's for a reason and will face it. While performing a work, he will try his best and accept the result happily because he knows that there's a reason behind it.

"एक पत्थर सिर्फ एक बार मंदिर जाता हैं और भगवान बन जाता हैं और हम इंसान हर रोज मंदिर जाते हैं पर भगवान तो दूर, इंसान भी नहीं बन पाते ।"

Let's build an aim to prove this quote wrong.