

Sometimes I can't understand myself, but I'll tell you the story, so maybe you will understand... Once upon a time, the evil that destroyed everyone and brought devastation to people and animals, spared no one, he had no mercy, no emotion, in his  eyes there was real hell, pain and chaos, evil lived in the dark, never came out, he didn't understand light nor did he want to live like that, his hatred was for everything that existed and lived, according to him no one deserved to live, and he lived in a huge void, when he destroyed everything he was peaceful until one day someone started to rebuild what he destroyed, it was kindness that was the total opposite of him, she loved people, animals and life, she rejoiced  to everything around her, she was like a little child, she did not resent others and when they did bad, she loved them, in the eyes of evil she was crazy and incomprehensible, he did not understand that, how could she love something that was not  you can love at all, there was nothing good there and she loved it and was happy, evil started teasing her and having fun with her because he saw something interesting for the first time that he didn't understand, he wanted to play with kindness not realizing that he was already in love with her, But could the opposites be together? In his nature, there was no mercy and destruction, and in her creation and mercy. When he realized that he fell in love, he stopped destroying, even though he still hated everything around him, because if he had destroyed, he would have hurt her. He tried and made a sacrifice that was not in his nature. Soon evil when he realized that he fell in love, he stopped destroying, even though he still hated everything around him, because if he had destroyed, he would have hurt her. He tried and made a sacrifice that was not in his nature, and no matter how much it mattered to him, whenever he looked at her, the pain disappeared. He had changed; he still didn't want anything beside her, but he was calm and he was not destroying anything because that would hurt her. So as time passed, evil began to bother him with the time that kindness spent so much time with people and animals. He began to be jealous, so he began to avoid kindness because she hurt him even though she had no such intentions. He wanted to destroy everything, but he couldn't because it would hurt her. He retreated into the darkness and stayed there. No one has seen him since that day. This is the story that maybe someone will understand.
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