

WHAT, A hair cut?!
If you are reading this you may wonder why I'm writing a story about such a silly matter of haircut. It seems silly but after this haircut I realized that I'm kind of breaking a stereotype. Confused right? I will explain.

Like everyone else, I'm also a little bored because of this lockdown, restrictions, do's and dont's. So I have decided to make a slight change in the hairstyle by myself. I tried fringes (some people call it monkey cut) but I should admit that it turned out to be an utter flop. My family, neighbours, friends and people I haven't even talked to, started giving comments and criticisms. I always replied to everyone saying " It's just some hair no, it will grow". I couldn't say anything else as I knew how crazy I look!
Almost a month later, precisely saying yesterday, I decided to layer my hair (this time not by myself). There is a relative of mine, she is an excellent hairdresser and beautician too, she came to my home and did my haircut. I wanted long layers but I forgot to mention her that I wanted the long one and that's how it turned out to be the short layered hair. This is for the first time after 12 years I'm shortening my hair. Initially I felt like I had lost a part of my body but then I started loving it. It's not that bad as I expected.
I felt so excited and I put a story of my shortened hair. Ghosh! I was getting comments and questions from here and there "why did you cut your hair?", "You are mad", " why are you doing this to your hair". Some people even started saying " Girl, hair is the identity of a girl that makes you beautiful". I feel like what a rubbish these people are talking. Even I used to talk almost like this before, but once I started appreciating individual freedom I haven't asked anyone about their hair. It doesn't matter to me whether they look good or bad. What is the need people? I started saying to people that it is my hair, it's in my head and I feel okay.

See, this is why I told you in the beginning that I felt like I was breaking the stereotype. To the people who are reading this ( boys and girls) it's your hair and you have the right to grow it or cut it and the people around you will keep giving comments but it's just some hair and it's not a big deal. You may look good or bad for others, but all that matters is how you find yourself beautiful. And girls, people may say that hair makes you a girl but that is rubbish, your thoughts and actions make who you are and not the hair. It will grow, it will fall, you can cut it as you like and you can grow it as you want. You only get to live once.
