

The Dream Course
Chapter 1.
Alina started Junior School Education and she decided to be a pilot so as to go round the world. She told her grandmother (Temitope) that she wants to be a pilot.Her father import cars from cotonou for sales in Nigeria and her mother is an hairdresser.She has two younger brother named Emmanuel and Kolawole. Things was going well and they were happy. Temitope lives with them also,Alina really like Temitope because she usually advise her. Suddenly Grandmother was sick and she was taken to the hospital.Alina thinking all is well don't know grandmother is really sick.she waited till the second day and heard noise from outside.

Furthermore,She decided to check out what is going on but quite shocking she saw people crying and weeping that Grandmother is dead. She couldn't believe and couldn't check the car to see her.She cried and the hurtness felt was more than her age.She missed those days she spent with her. After few months,Her parents started fighting and they had to take divorce.

Alina became deeply hurt as a result of what happened.Her younger brothers and she stayed with their mother in another apartment.Things were difficult that the tuition fee became difficult to pay that result to changing of school. Even after the divorce the parents were trying to provide for needs of the children not until the importation of goods was banned in Nigeria. Alina's father couldn't work as a result of that because he only engaged in importation of cars as source of income. And cost of things in the country became very high that the little income of the mother couldn't satisfy the needs of the children.Alina's younger brothers and Alina became satisfy with what their parents have and continue to grow and determined to achieve success in their education and re union their parents.

End of chapter 1

you will be thinking that Alina wanted to become pharmacy in introduction part while pilot in chapter one. Next chapter will be released soon then you will understand .
watch out for chapter 2.

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© Opeyemi Obaleye