

Unanswered Questions
During cleaning my almirah, I got the old diary, where I sketched you using my phrases and words. I kept it on the table and went to kitchen for cooking. After few minutes when I went back to bedroom, I found my daughter with the diary. At that time she was 6 years old. She was just playing with those old letters that you had sent me. For few seconds I got stucked in the mid of emotions and the memories.

I got my consciousness when my daughter asked, "mumma!! Who is he?"
I confused because I didn't have any appropriate answer to her question. I remain silent for some time. Then she again repeated her question. It's actually an akward situation, because I never know who are you? What is your relation with me? I never tried to find answers of those questions. Now, for third time she asked the same question. Then I answered.. He is someone special with whom I spent bestdays of my life and created unforgettable memories. A drop of tear came down from my eyes and my emotions vanished silently somewhere in the photograph of us.

#past #memories #fiction #youandme #mythoughts #wordsfromtheheart #WritcoQuote #Writcostory #Unknownpoet

@pari888 @sim2904 @Simr8478 @digital_pen @A_Ydv007 @NANCYSSTORIES