

How do we solve this sharply? God is good, God is bad. How do we see it clearly without being confused through twisting the meaning of the word.

Good / bad was concluded based on consideration / comparison in between me and them, between one and the other. Good / bad exists because of the comparison.

I was compared with someone, based on the degree of pain / comfort

So our actions are good / bad for others. But how can God be said good / bad, whereas there is no other god as a comparison.

If there is another God, then it can be said, this God is better than the other god. But there is only One God, then it is impossible for us to compare in between God and God's actions.

Comparing ourselves with our own actions is not a good / bad judgment, but the reality of ourselves as it is.

That’s why I don’t say God is good / bad, but GOD IS ALMIGHTY TRUE.
© Seremonia