

The World, the promise and the rules...
Theme: The promise.
Title: The world, the promise and the rules...
Type: An article.

The world and the promise
The certainty , of the reality of the world calls for promises to be made. Promises can be made in many ways and can be bound by many rules. A promise , could be in the form of a commitment taken by someone either to do something or not to do it. It could come in the form of an encouragement, forgiveness, sincerity or the promise to stick to the truth no matter the outcome.

For a promise to be authentic and binding, it should be accompanied by a set of rules to follow: one of the rules in a promise should be the love for one another when it involves two people . The Spirit of encouragement goes with determination that is not void of knowledge, act ,and devotion. Forgiveness entails letting go of an act, which causes pain or could cause pain . Sincerity means being authentic or true to oneself. The truth requires consistency. The progress of the world depends greatly on sticking to one's promises in every case ,if it will add value to ones purpose of living or not as long as it is made then die for it.

Conclusively, the world progresses because of generosity, empathy, forgiveness, encouragement and the zeal to help one another. The major component of a real promise is what the promise is aimed to achieve. Therefore, the one who makes it should stay focus to the vision of the set goal.