

The Midnight Prowl
Chapter 9


After we defeated the frost dragons, Orbitra and I continued down the thick snowy plain, Making our way through the frosty atmosphere. As we came up to a barren willow tree Obitra Noticed something. “David, what’s that?” She asked me."What"? I responded, wondering what she'd noticed. “David, it looks like someone carved something on this tree.” She said, glancing at the tree. "Where? Let me see." I said walking closer to get a better view." What does it say"? I ask, looking at Orbitra for a second. Her stark blue eyes staring Intensely "Well it looks like it's written in our home planet language, Tranian. It says ``The frost of Orbitron will envelop you in an eternal slumber" She read. Then suddenly the words glowed bright blue and the ground started to quiver around us as a giant Frost Golem came up out of the ground behind us. "Whoa! What the hell is that thing!?" I exclaimed, In surprise."It looks like some sort of snow monster, like a giant Frost Golem or something."Orbitra said, her tail swishing back and forth nervously."So what do we do now!" I shouted, dodging a swipe."Say these words and we will become a stone-cold Fighting Force! 'May the frost of Orbitron cover you in a blanket of protection.'
I did as my familiar told me and said: "May the frost of Orbitron cover us in a blanket of protection!" Then there was another bright light blue flash of light as I went through my transformation. My whole body started to freeze and my hair, eyes, hands, and lower back started to burn. As we combined, time seemed to slow around us. In the reflection of the ice, I could see as My eyes started glowing light blue, and my hair became as white as snow. A pair of light blue combat boots replaced my snow boots and a skintight white suit appeared on my body with an I, W symbol resting on the center of my chest. A light blue belt appeared on my waist, the white gem resting in the center. “I didn’t tell you this before but the ‘I W’ symbol means Ice Warlock, that 's your hero alias,” Orbitra said as we fought, My transformation finished. “Cool, I wonder what Twilight’s alias is, hm.”
As we continued to battle-which mind you was getting pretty damn long. “Let's just finish this meaningless fight and get out of here already, cause I’m getting bored,” I said as I swung Eternal Frost at the frost golem for what seemed like the hundredth time.
After the painstakingly long battle with that golem thing, the barren tree started to glow and shake. "What now?" I asked, tired and hungry from all the fighting I've done recently.

The tree stopped glowing and shaking as quickly as it started. In its place, there was a strange door inside the tree waiting to be opened. I looked at Orbitra questioningly and she just shook her head and said: "I'm just guessing here but we have to go in there right?". I'm not so sure about that I thought "Well maybe we shouldn't, maybe that's where that stupid ice golem-thing came from, I don't know." I said being very cautious about this strange tree because the moment we came up to this willow tree it had been nothing but trouble.

Inside the willow tree, it was like walking into another world entirely “Where are we now?” I asked as I looked around. The tree was surprisingly warm compared to the monstrous blizzard outside. “ It looks like some sort of pocket dimension or something.” I nodded in agreement. “Yeah” Just then we heard a noise as someone appeared before us. She was very beautiful. She had white hair, bright blue eyes, and pale skin. She was dressed in cotton-white robes from head to toe.”Who are you?” I asked this mysterious woman.