

Beware Two: Addition (Page 1)
Greetings fellow angels of the future; whom I am delighted to call my kinsmen and my kinswomen! I'm back with another letter again; except this one is broken down and heavily simplified more than the other. To be respectful and to alleviate some of the pressure off of you guys; I am going to tell you to take a seat and to grab a beverage like I did at the start of the last letter that I wrote. You do not have to sit down or have a drink; if you prefer not to!! It isn't a demand or a direct order, but I want you to be comfortable because my letters are always long, and it is a gigantic pill to swallow. The info that I share is not easy to fathom or to come to terms with, so please try to relax yourselves and try not to give yourselves a headache. It is evident that I love you, care about you, and want you to be vigilant, well prepared, and a person that is "clear-sighted"; otherwise I would not be giving you pointers or urgent early notices. If it is not too domineering or too dictatorial; could you give me a few minutes to speak to my immediate family that is currently living, and the souls of my dead family members that my living family has been contacting and collaborating with as a team to help them in their murderous quest!! The signs that I witnessed with my own two eyes, the signs that I have arranged in the right order using inference, and the signs that I have connected together are both fitting the description and are estimating to my unproven thoughts, and my unproven beliefs that many are claiming to be false. Evidence is not needed and is not required if everything is linking up to what I deeply suspected!! Ya'll are saying I am so wrong, but still can't give me anything to redeem the rationality of each of the signs that I have seen; if there even is any rationality to any of this craziness!! An explanation would've been helpful, or at least give a portion of common reasoning to make me rethink my feelings. To tell me I am wrong and not tell me the reason why I am wrong; only shows and affirms how more right I am.Too many clues have unraveled for me to be incorrect! The main overall rule of stupidity is that when you're trying to save face and trying to save your ass; you kinda have to make it make sense!! Without a fair argument; there is no denying and no debating. Chopping off your tongues with a blade and grinding it in a garbage disposal is what you can do to please me!! I have just about had it with you slithering slimy snakes in the grass. You don't seem to mind when I am not talking and letting you reinforce the circulating stories about me that you all have distorted, or letting you go buck wild and parade your stolen riches that you have obtained from double dealing and double crossing everyone to get to a surpassingly exceptional status rate, but as soon as I dive "head first" to my defense or lay down the truth to cast out your lies; the boohooing begins, the ego party shuts down, and everybody wants to raise their swords, their pitch forks, their fire torches, and their metal shields at me. I am not scared, worried, nervous, or intimidated by your angry mob; so giddy up on your sweet daddy's horse cock and ride rodeo style out of reality, out of sight, and out of my territory. Give father Lucifer the greatest orgasm he has ever had while you are going horseback riding over his fat smoked sausage on steroids; as an appreciation for him being your idol and your honorable leader. On your way to the door before you leave; you can wipe my dirty butt crack with your shirt and mop the remains off of the floor when you're done!!!!! I could've had a house to live in, I could've had a bathroom to use any time I wanted, and I could've had the money to buy the necessary items that I need to keep my booty clean and the rest of my body. My crack wouldn't have to be dirty if you had not violently fist fucked me in the financial area!! You bent me over and spanked me till my skin was red, purple, blue, and fractured. During the few seconds of relief when I thought the brutal spanking was over; you jammed your knuckles up my anus and didn't even have the heart to use lubrication!! Do you really think I would be devoting my patience to write about you; if I had the freedom to pursue another activity? You're not the brightest light bulb in the box, and you're not the sun that brightens the entire earth. It disgusts me to have to blog about road kill. You are the sound of thunder that disturbs the peace, you are a violent tornado that destroys everything in its path, and you are the cold shivering rain that spoils everybody's day. The only intoxicating joy that livens me whenever I am profiling a nobody who is nothing; is the soothing pleasure of watching them get a dosage of the embarrassment that they caused me to experience, and the excitement from the sharp needle of vengeance that I use to stab into their veins to demonstrate how uncomfortable it is to be poked; just like the poking sensation that I feel on my skin at certain moments because of the pins that are being inserted in the voodoo dolls that have been made of me!!! It doesn't feel so nice; does it???? You publicly put me on the spot and made me a worldwide mockery. I was your unconsented and uncontested baby actress during my infant years, child actress during my kid years, teen actress during my teenage years, and contemporary adult actress in the comedy show that you all were filming without me knowing. Now it's my turn to seek my revenge!!! Two can play that game!! For as long as I live and I swear this to you.....I will not rest or stop until the word has gotten through to society!! I am suppressed in a terrible situation that you have put me in for god knows how long. It could be temporary or it could be for the rest of my life! Despite what I do; I can not break loose!! Under these indestructible restraints that are restraining me; there isn't anything that can be done other than snitching!! You guys got me real good, but apparently not good enough since you forgot to close my mouth. When you pushed me from behind, locked me inside of that black empty room, and soccer kicked the key in the nearest water stream; you did not gag me!! Tape was never pasted over my lips, a cloth was never tied around my mouth, and no object was placed inside of my mouth to prevent me from speaking or screaming. Most psychotic murderers would remember to silence their victims if they were going to leave them for dead. I am having a hard time grasping an understanding of your negligent choice to exclude and to skip the muzzling procedure from your death plot. It could be because you're stupid or because you were so distracted by your own arrogance that you...