


The howl that rang out in the silent night was heard across the slumbering streets. The hair rose at the back of their heads.

The monster had escaped.

The three boys ran down the streets without looking back, adrenaline pumping through their veins.

It was a huge mistake, what they had done. They should have known that no tale was ever fully fictional; there would always be an ounce of truth in them.

They had gone to the rundown mine in the outer part of the village, seeking to find the so-call guardian beasts that protected it.

Entering the mine had strengthened their resolve, making them seem like gods in the midst of men. They had entered a place not even the adults in their village could dare to.

In the course of their adventure, they discovered a huge statue of three conjoined beasts and instantly surmised that it was the statue of the said guardians.

Laughing, they made vile remarks and postures to the statue, demeaning its essence.

One of them cut his fingers on the statue while carrying out his insulting actions, causing blood to touch the clay sculpture.

That was the beginning of their sorrow.

The statue slowly began to break, emitting bright red lights from the cracks.

Slowly, the boys moved back, their faces struck with fear. They watched until the clay totally fell off, releasing the true form of the guardian beasts.

The first thing they saw was the eyes; it was hollow, with flames blazing fiercely inside them. The beasts stood up straight to their full size, growling lowly with the sharp jagged opening they had for a mouth. Their skin looked like a mix between metal and wood, they had snakes attached to their upper bodies, and shared a tail as long as a sea dragon.

The boys ran without a second thought, alerting the beasts who released a roar that shook the very bearing of the earth.

In the end, the adults were right. This fact proved even worse than what they had originally thought, because it meant that before morning comes, their poor village would be razed to the ground.

And it was all their fault.

© Naomi Obasi

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