

A Grim Twist of Fate - Chapter 4
Smoke curled up from Shea's hairline just above her temples.

"Aaaaaeeeeeeee!" she cried out in horror. "My hair! You singed my hair!"

"Well, I told you to focus!" Drake's rough voice called out. "Now focus!"

"How could you?..." Shea called out in horror. "My hair... Oh my poor beautiful hair..."

Shea slumped to the ground holding the frazzled bits in her hands. She knew it probably wasn't as bad as she was making out, but she was shocked at Master Drake. What nerve the man had. She glanced over to the direction of Master Drake and was about to give him a piece of her mind. However, she was surprised to see him kneeled on the ground with his hands clenching his head and the look of pure agony on his face.

Suddenly, the color left his face and fear clouded over his features.

"Greta?! Greta?!" he cried out and glanced towards the mansion. Shea followed his line of sight, but she didn't see anything. The man was losing his mind. She was sure he'd finally cracked and he was beginning to scare her.

He turned quickly to look at her, a wild look in his eyes, and grabbed her arm pulling her towards the woods.

Fear gripped her heart, but she quickly covered it with rage. Shea pulled back defiantly and stated angrily, "What do you think you're doing? First, you singe my hair and now you're dragging me off to the woods... What's next? Killing me?"

Shea hoped he would back off and not notice her knees knocking in fear. She had to get away from him and quickly.

Drake turned to look at her and stated coldly, "Shea, we need to go. Now!"

For a minute she thought about arguing, but something in his eyes made her quit fighting him and go willingly. Maybe, there was something wrong. Master Drake had never acted this way, but she would be careful either way.

"Fine," Shea huffed, "but you owe me an explanation."

They took off at a dead run towards the woods with Master Drake still holding onto her arm. He'd never ran like this before, either. Not even in training. Something was definitely up, but what it was she couldn't be sure.


It felt like they'd ran for miles. Her legs and ribs were aching and she could feel Master Drake starting to slow too. No wonder tho, the last mile, she felt like he'd had to pull her more and more along. She needed a break and soon.

She was about to tell Drake that she needed to stop, when he suddenly stopped. She slumped to the ground, her breathing ragged.

"Alright... wha-what's... goi-oing... on... Master Drake?" Shea huffed.

"I don't know... Honestly, Shea... I don't know."

Drake sighed.

"High Master Greta told me to run through a mind link... to take you and run. She said we must go now and to trust no one... He is coming."

"Who is coming? Who is He?... And where is High Master Greta?"

Master Drake looked lost. Fear mixed with sadness clouded his features..

"I don't know, Shea," he finally stated, "that's all I know. I sensed a man's presence in High Master Greta's office... a presence of pure evil... that's why I told you we must run and right then... As for High Matter Greta... I don't know if she made it... I didn't even know she could mind link. It takes such tremendous power. So, I pray somehow she made it, Shea, I really do, but I just don't know."

His shoulders slumped and he leaned against a nearby tree. He looked defeated. Like he'd lost his best friend... or his lover. Shea had always thought they were lovers... him and the High Master. She'd even caught them alone in the garden once. After what seemed to be an intense conversation, Master Drake had stormed off angrily and High Master Greta's face had remained stoic... well atleast until he'd gotten out of eyesight and earshot then she'd gracefully walked back to the mansion, brushing the tears from her eyes. Shea had forgotten about that moment she'd witnessed until now. She wasn't eavesdropping of course, she'd just went to pick some flowers and happened upon the two.

Master Drake stood up slowly and looked at Shea.

"We need to find shelter for the night," he stated. "There's a small cabin about a mile away. It should be stocked with plenty of food and water. We can stay there for the night and get some supplies, but then we must head to Gallador."

"Gallador?" Shea asked puzzled. "Whatever is in Gallador."

Only thieves and murderers lived in Gallador. She'd been warned, by him of all people, never to go there and now he was saying that's where they needed to go..?


Shea couldn't help the giggle that escaped lips. There was no doubt in her mind now.

"Are you mad???" she exclaimed, "Ryzen is a fable... a legend... a story we tell the children. Now, you're trying to tell me she's real? Ha! And she lives in Gallador of all places?! You must be mad!"

Master Drake sighed.

"I know you've been told she's a legend... just a story... we told you that to protect you... to protect her... but everything I've said is true and we must go..."

Master Drake reached into his pocket and pulled out a small stone. It was ordinary. A smooth stone that looked like river rock.

"Ryzen... Ryzen... We are coming, Ryzen... We need your help."

Shea rolled her eyes. This was madness.

Suddenly, the rock lit up. A pale, blue aura emitted from it. Shea gasped. It was beautiful! An imaginary pen wrote out the words, "Come. You are the key." onto the surface of the now illuminated rock. Then it all disappeared and the rock was left as plain and as ordinary as it had been before.

"That... that was amazing!... Ryzen! She's really real!" Shea exclaimed enthusiastically.

Yes... yes, she's real," Master Drake stated calmly, "Come on, now. We must get to the cabin before dark."

Master Drake started off in the direction of the cabin he'd been referring to and Shea followed excitedly. She was giddy with excitement. Tomorrow... tomorrow she would meet the most fabled woman in history! Ryzen, the sibyl, and she couldn't wait!

© Raeya