

One Bright Stand (Part 2)
Contd. from Part 1

She wondered for a while, as he let her mind wander around the lanes of her undulating life. Where did she get lost in indeed! Well, it wasn't easy to point out. She got lost often these days. For better or worse, it was just difficult to put it into words. Arya Satya indeed!
"Well, life as we know it is convoluted as such and there is enough to gripe about it. Like you said, a constant vortex of pain. But don't you think all that pain emanates from our desires. Our desire to be loved. Our desire to be liked. Our desire to be admired. Our desire to be, just, you know, desired.", she uttered deeply immersed in her thoughts.

Something about what she just said was so raw, so powerful and so deeply reverberating. Someone had rightly said, nothing is more powerful than a woman who understands the world and prepared to lay it out there for all to see.
He felt that in those words.
"You really are in touch with your inner Buddha, Mihika. That what you described is actually second of Buddha's Arya Satya- The cause of sorrows is desire. Dukha Samudaya as it is called. And yeah, Trishna or Desire is indeed the cause of all our sorrows.", Chiranjeet looked into her eyes trying to decrypt what was indeed her Trishna.
"Okay. Heavy as it was, what do you desire, Chiranjeet Das?", she said breaking his trance.
"That's a pretty well summarized list to be honest. But probably more than anything else to go somewhere quiter so that we can hear each other better. What do you think?"
"That would indeed be nice. The music has really been a let down honestly. Will partially blame you for that. Anything after that was gonna be a let down."
"Ah! Mea culpa. I will make it up to you. Let me get you to a space where I could treat you to some exclusive content."
"I would like nothing better.", Mihika said smiling as she finished her drink and grabbed her purse.
"Let me just let my friends know I leaving."
"I will do the same and meet you downstairs maybe?"
"Yeah. Sure."

When he came downstairs, he saw her waiting smoking a cigarette. Her blue dress accentuating her slender waist. As he walked towards her, he couldn't help but notice her dress bringing out her beautifully toned butt. She had one tattoo on the ankle of her left leg too, which he saw from the side he was walking towards her.
"So where are we going?", she asked.
"How would you like to visit my lair? We can have a couple of drinks, maybe smoke up?", he replied looking into her eyes, as the gentle breeze blew her hair across her eyes, her having to gently brush them aside.
"Only if I am privy to some Chiranjeet Das exclusive poetry."
"I would be honored. Not often does one come across a listener as fine as you. Thank You."

"Nice place. Really cozy vibes. No wonder, magic happens here", Mihika said as she sat down on the couch of his studio apartment. The lamp on the table just painted this serene light across the room. She noticed the well arranged books on the table with a black terracotta statue of a lying Buddha in the center of the table. The guitar lay neatly balanced on one corner of the room. The kitchen counter at one end of the apartment and the clothes at the other end of the apartment were equally well arranged. The place had the intoxicating manly musk of freshness. It was one of those places, where the place kind of embraced you gently.
"Thank You. It's not much. But I like it that way. Few things, but good things", he said, smiling back at her. For the first time he noticed the tatoo on her thigh. It went round her thigh and resembled a ring with the head of a snake. "What does that signify, if I may ask?"
"It's called the 'Ouroburos'. It would literally mean 'tail devourer' in Greek", gently brushing her fingers on her tatoo along the scales of the dragonsnake. "It is a symbol of eternity. Of infinity. It defines wholeness. The past dissapearing in the present, in one complete cycle. That is something I can totally connect to. Aren't we all disappearing our pasts into our present!", she added
"Cheers!", they said as the glasses clanged.
"We are, aren't we! I agree. Our whole life is basically one cycle, each part dissapearing into the next. Why did you choose it for yourself? Any particular reason? Apologies if I am probing."
"No. You don't need to. It's just that, you know, everyday live has a new beginning and a new end. We are at the beginning of something and also at the end. Simultaneously. At this moment too. It's ubiquitous."
"I know we have just met but that just seems to be your vibe. 'The 'Ouroburos'. Never have seen a tatoo be more fitting for anyone.", as he sat next to her on the couch and handed her a chilled beer.
"Well, Thank You mister. You are kind with your words. So, yeah tell me what is or are your desires or like you said, Trishna? You said it's a pretty well summarized list. So yeah, what's in that list?"

To be contd.
