


The footsteps following me sounded closer. I ran through the empty corridors of the hospital, my heart pounding with terror.

I turned a corner and stopped short. I had reached a dead end. Then I heard a large echo of laughs from a cell. I ran towards the voice of laughs and joy! But no! It was not a laughter, it was not a joy, it was a face of tear with screams of cry.

I entered the room whilst the footsteps from the behind came closer to me. While I stood scared watching the shadow approached me from behind, it growled, "Oi! Boy where ya going? This no place for kids like you!".

I turned with my heart full of fears and that scarred face, oh and that eye! That cat eye! The guys angry look on the face made me cry.

He grabbed me by the collar to kick me out until a doctor from the room at yelled him to come back. The scarred face drop me on the floor while he runs into the room.

I never wanted this in my life but when I entered the hospital I had just one goal and that was to see my brother before he kissed the silence of death!

I peeped from the door of the room, there lied a patient screaming in pain and agony. He was perplexed with his mouth skin tore down,his hands turned to roots of a tree, and his legs resembling an octopus tentacles!

Three doctors stood there struggling to hold him down to the bed. While the guard, the scarred face one tried helping the doctors. As the patient went on struggling with his life his heart started to pump rapid and loud even with those screams and shouts! The heart burst open his chest like a living creature! It had turned into a an octopus with its blood vessels acting like tentacles.

I watched it! I watched kill the doctors and the guard with his gun. Nothing stopped it! It was the day, the last page of the book of humans was written!!

Whilst I ran to save my life, the octopus heart went the other way. I was quite relieved and grateful that I had bought some time. But things never went the way as I expected, the patient from the room came out running behind me.

My legs took my me off from there till I couldn't find any sign of danger. A doctor walk past by me with his shotgun calmly. So calm that even the dark of the winter nights would fear! He shot the patient approaching him while the doctor moved forward shooting and reloading the gun. After several shots the sickly patient went on the ground. The calm doctor pulled out his lighter and burnt him down!

"And the heart?" I warned him.

"Lead me the way kid!" he said with his chest full of courage.

"That way!" I signalled and walked beside him. "You're not a doctor are you?", I questioned.

He replied, "does that matter now?".

As we walked the way I watched the chaos in the world through the window. People screaming and running while they were chased with men with no heart!

It was the doomsday and nothing would ever last on this planet the next day!
On the day everything and everyone changed!

I never bothered to ask his real name as days went from bad to worse, so calling him 'DOC' became a routine. Our group went down hunting down the living hearts and burning down the no heart men.

Then a came an announcement that shook and terrored everyone's heart. The government announced to closed down the whole city and then fill it up with explosions!

Everyone panicked but doc he was calm as if he was prepared for this his whole life. He took me down to a cell underneath the hospital. It was dark and cold, Doc sat down in a chair working down with the computers established there.

He started working on computer putting up his tense face! He wrote down few numbers on a piece of paper and entered it into the other computer. I stood there like a little kid looking at him working constantly. He then screamed suddenly, "Now! The code! Tell me the code!" he yelled at me.

" What code?..." I asked with a confused face.

He yelled at me again and again asking "Tell me the code! Don't play games with me you brat! Why do you think I brought you here all the way down?"

Then came a THUD!!! from the door a boy standing in the dark, pointing his gun towards Doc! He fired multiple shots through doc's chest killing him viciously and then put bullets into the computers destroying it completely!

The boy came near me standing in the dark. I gulped and asked, "Who are you?"

The boy came out to the light answering, "I AM YOU! You see, this is a simulation and you are clone of me. This event shall reoccur again but this time it will be reality! You are my fifty sixth clone and it is a success this time. So, this guy right here is the root cause of all the chaos that happened in your simulation, which shall also occur in reality if you don't stop him from entering the hospital. Also he is the one who will crash his car on to our brother. So you want to help me? Help yourself? Help our brother? Help this world? Now take this gun and stop him."