

After getting out of the train she was so hungry that she fainted...After a time when she opened her eyes .she was in a wood cabin all alone. she was a little scared .. At that point she wasn't capable to get up and check where she is .. so she closed her eyes and slept .... Knock knock,someone is there on the door saying "may I come in". she suddenly woke up and said "who is it" .someone replied" it's me who bought you here ".she replied" sure you can come in" ... she politely replied but she was scared and shivering... A man came inside and asked her that is she okay.. she replied yes I am better ... on the left side of the bed there was a bag he took out a pack of chips and a bottle of juice and gave it to that girl... she calmly replied "thanks alot I haven't eaten any food from 2 days" .. He nods and asks that girl that" why did she came to this city"???....
(To be continued)