

The light of the world
Jesus is known as the Only true light of the world. Light came into the world but some people loved darkness rather than the light because their deeds are evil. Those who love doing good are drawn to the light..which is Jesus.

Jesus says in His word that we are the light of the world. A city that is set on a hill cannot be hid. So we must let our light shine before others so they can see our good deeds and glory our father which is in heaven.

When people mock us, humiliate us, reject us...remember we have a light within us that shines brightly..which is Jesus Himself. Don't let anyone put you down...because we are the princesses and prince of the world. We must love even our enemies ..bless those who curse us ..be good to those who despitefully use us so we may be the children of our father which is in heaven.

My advice to you is Jesus loves you. Shine that light of Jesus that lives within you ..impart love to others...Remember we are living in the end times ...our problems may get more intensified..because Jesus said those who overcome our problems will be rewarded...so let our light shine until we will meet our Messiah Jesus Christ face to face...on that one sweet day.