

Fear. part 1
What is fear? We don't really know.

We just know it's something we have to overcome some way, someday, somehow.
We know we will go through it, we know we will freak out but in the end... we know we will find out it's not as big of a fear as it was a misunderstanding. We confuse our concepts of extreme excitement and fear, how do we know the feeling we get from heights or while in a roller coaster is fear? Maybe it's just a push that might slip us off to the extent of getting to know ourselves better.

What is the type of fear I feel? If I'm a student do I really fear failing? Or do I fear succeeding? the part where I think I can't do it maybe it not just the exam that you're stressed about. Then what is it? The Future. The fear of what will happen next?

If I'm a guy then I have a fear of having to be responsible for my family as soon as I get through these exams.
Or if I'm a girl I have a fear of getting engaged and married as soon as I'm done studying.
Well that's the eastern culture. But what if the only thing that's keeping you away from working hard isn't fear itself, what if it's you?

And if you think fear is some power in the universe stopping you from working towards your goal or scaring you from what's coming ahead, fear is no power in the universe. It's a power in you yourself. And it's a gift. But as usual we use are blessings in all the wrong ways possible.

Yes you read it right. Fear is a blessing!
Fear is what's supposed to stop you from jumping off a cliff. Fear is supposed to stop you from ending a great relationship, fear is supposed to stop you from harming yourself and others around you! Fear is what's supposed to keep you from doing wrong before you die! its to stop you from this, make you work hard to keep you happy.

Don't be scared of what you can do.

Don't use it the wrong way.

© theblacksparrow