

It was a full moon night.There was a slight breeze with a hustling sound.The night was silent that the falling of leaves sounded high.Suddenly a branch hit a window of an abandoned house.A girl opened her eyes and stared at the window.She heard the sound of the breeze...zzz...and found that the window was opened and a white paper flew into her room.She then closed the window and peeped under the bed to pick the paper.To her surprise it was a torn old piece of map pointing an old mansion.At the corner there were missing letters.She was barely able to find them.She then yawned and placed the map under a note pad and went back to sleep.A lady with large spectacles asked her to do the given chemical reaction in the laboratory.She took the given chemicals and started the reaction as per the instructions.Suddenly a browny cat entered the lab and ran faster in the shelf where she stood.To everyone's scream ,the cat ran faster and it pushed a bottle containing concentrated sulphuric acid on her face and all of a sudden she fell on the floor screaming,her skin on her face started rupturing and she was suffering from burning pain.She hardly opened her eyes,where everyone surrounded her and teacher calling her name jurie...jurie....and suddenly again a liquid fell on her face.She screamed harder and woke up.It took few minutes for her to realise that it was a dream and it was her mom who called her name.Jurie"did you have a bad dream"?...hah! Again mom,she replied.Okay get down your bed.it istime to go to school.(her mom left the room).She then looked at the mirror and remembered about the map,she turned over it and took a glance and tried to find the missing letters.A voice from down,jurie...it's time,come down,shouted her mom. She then placed the map in her bag and began to get ready to go to school.