

Time stood still, quietness filled the air not even a bird made a sound, far off in the distance a dog barked and unsuspecting bystander walking the road up into the woods, a caw from a bird caught the man's attention, he stopped to admire the scenery and then he kneeled with tears in eyes he shouted up "Where are you!?" " I know you hear my cries and feel my pain, so where are you!? The sky was blue , filled with pink clouds as the sun setted, he stared up waiting for a response.... but only silence filled the air, as he continually searched for answers and reasons and a purpose, "there has to be a purpose," nothing YOU do is on accident, so share YOUR plan, I'm begging!! He exclaimed with impatience with whom he was speaking with. He got up and began to write in the dirt beside the path, Plan it, On Purpose. Note to himself perhaps. He walked into the woods, near a stream he sat and waited some more, he often could hear God speaking to him through the sounds of water. So he sat. With a quiet mind he waited, and heard, "Pain brings strength, loneliness brings courage and Believeing in something better when everything around you has proved untrustworthy and hopeless, fake smiles break your heart, false words from mouths of the ignorant is like fire upon your ears, But you wait for Me for truth, heart of gold and full of graces, be troubled no more, from these times and places. So far as the moon is high, no one here until the end of times shall make worry for you and yours." With the weight of his troubles lifted from him his world began to change before his eyes, brighter was the sun, warmer were the winds, the animals scurried about in the open playfully and unafraid. His world had become the peace he had been searching for.