

Why we love !
God Almighty created human beings to love them and to be loved by these mortal beings. He adorned the skies with beautiful and captivating lamps to show his blessings on his vice-regent -- the man. Similarly, he created us in pairs so that we can feel the joy of love and find harmony in our partners. He created love to show and to mark love as the best form of emotion in the universe. Verily, We love because he installed it in our instincts that love is holy emotion and trait which is, amazingly, missing in his other creatures, i.e., angels.
Yes, being human, we are all confounded by the question why we were created. If we learn it from Holy Book of Muslims, Quran, it says that God Almighty was a hidden treasure. He wished to be discovered and then brought all this universe into existence so that the human explore his bounties and holy traits. The top of them is "love". We were created in pairs so that we get safety or solace with our partners. It must be remembered that love is not lust. We love because we like, God, wish to be adored in a beautiful way. Man is God's vice-regent if he understands. We love because we honor the existence of this beautifully designed and disciplined universe. We love because we are the descendants of God's heavens.
To sum up, man is God's favourite creature. Why we not love when we see that universe is full of these traits. We can't ignore the fact that universe itself is a proof of his blessing. Our salvation lies in love, not lust. It lies in helping others, not in taking from others. At any stage of life, only love can heal all the injuries of soul. Love God, his universe, his creatures, his vast lands and deep blue oceans. For once, try to learn from the lamps in the skies that why they exist. For what reason? You will get the answer : for you....
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