

♡ Daughter of " The King of Kings" ♡
Daughter, you are My beloved Child And My eyes are ever fixed on you ! Heaven marvels at My work in you.

Daughter, This day, you have entered a season with a deeper experience with Me. You have never dwelt this deep with ME before, but you are ready to receive more of Me. Every step of the the past season has matured you into who you are right now, that you may not miss a single breath of My greatness that I am about to reveal to you! Let me take you beyond what you know. I have waited for you to mature and I say to you this day you have come of age!

Daughter , I tell you, you are now ready for the very thing you were created for! Destiny is upon you! There is so much you do not realize about yourself just yet, but allow me to unwrap you for there is no one that can know and love you like I do. There is no one that knows the full potential I have created in you and the very depths of your passions and desires that are in the image of My own.

“I knew you before I formed you in your mother’s womb. Before you were born I set you apart and appointed you as my prophet to the nations.” ( Jeremiah 1:5 ).

You are a light bearer My child, and heaven lives and breathes on the inside of you.

Sit and Be still.... daughter, let us explore the world inside of you together, shall we? There is a fountain on the inside of you that is filling up to the brimm, this river will overflow to those around you. Every drop is filled with the fullness of My glory! It will overflow into every part of your being as I open the floodgates to restore to you what was lost and rain My favor down on you, for even when tried to the blood and sweet of the deep within your soul, you decided to wait and trust on Me. Now you will see just what your obedience have accomplished for you.

This is the season of My face shining on you and who is there that can stop My favor on your life? Even your enemies will see and snear but their searing will burn to ash before it hits the ground but it shall not touch you. Rather it will lift you up higher into My presence.

Know this day, that your steps are ordained and heaven walks with you every step of the way! Feel My face smiling upon you child! Go into your day knowing My angels surrounds you, and I LOVE you! Keep praising Me for this personal and Beautiful journey that you and I are on for I delight in your praises.

Your FATHER in Heaven !!

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