

It pains to stay in a state, where not a single person knows about your sufferings, sorrows, heartbreak, whatsoever.

But remember, it's not hidden from ALLAH Subhanahu wa ta'ala. And that should be enough for us to move forward. Because, HE is the only one who can get us out of the mess that we may be in right now. HE can do wonders we know nothing about. We just have to have Faith in HIM, Trust in HIM, we should not let any doubts settle in our hearts regarding HIM, HIS Mercy, HIS forgiveness, HIS love that HE has for us, which is beyond our imagination.

My dear brothers and sisters, don't let shaitan play with your mind or thoughts, fill your mind with positivity and be optimistic. Think good of ALLAH Subhanahu wa ta'ala !

May Allah bless each one of you with good in both the worlds, may Allah grant you ease during any hardship.
Aameen summa Aameen 🖤

Meaning of Subhanahu wa ta'ala -{ The Most Glorified, The Most High ! }

© Heartthatspeaks