

" ABHAY" .....a young, intelligent and talented personality ..holds the honour being founder of


He is well admired by the society for his charity work in India since the past five years!!....

Abhay's devotion to his work is incredible!...During the past few years he put all his best efforts in setting up several "Old age homes", "School for the disabled",..."Blood banks"...and several other charity homes for the needy!!...

The best thing over here is that...all these charity places are provided with the best facilities...in terms of health care, ambience, sanitation,

food, environment .............

Many youngsters of the society got inspired by his work !

One fine day ....some students approach him to seek guidance and inspiration!...

Abhay welcomed them with pleasure and narrated his journey ...

Abhay comes from a poor family, he had lost his father at a young age and his mother was his only support in life!...He narrated his struggles and how he managed to get into the premier IIT-Madras!!...and reached the heights of being CEO of many great companies of the country!..He explained that half of his income is utilised for the charity works!

The students were really inspired by his story and thanked Abhay for narrating them....

Suddenly,....one of the students raised"..." Sir,..can I ask you for a favour"?

Abhay replied...Sure...you can!

The student asked "Sir , Can I please meet your mother?...

Abhay replied...My mother? Well...sure...but she lives in Delhi!

She stays in "Abhay charity trust"***

..it's the best old age home with world class facilities ...!!..

At once...

The students replied...WHAT?????

they were really shocked at this answer ....

Abhay replied ....yes...

( Is this called charity?)

One of the students came forward and stood in front of Abhay and told in a loud voice to Abhay that


Suddenly...tears started rolling down from Abhay 's eyes... he realized that how disgusting it was to leave his own mother in an old age home!..he took out his phone and called his mother telling "Amma....I am coming...pack your things"....

Within two days, Abhay returned to his home with his mother ...and called the students for a treat!!

The students were happy noticing Abhay's epiphany ....they all had a great time together!....Abhay's mother was very happy and blessed all the students with whole heart !..

this is the true charity...that begins at home!

No matter what you do or how well you serve the nation,...if you don't care your own family...or your closest friends...well that's not charity !...

True charity begins at home!

© manu