

The Miracle of a Kind Heart
There was a man walking in the forest to enjoy the winter, he felt so cold but he still wanted to just keep on walking because he wanted to think of how unlucky he became since last month, he and his wife, who is carrie, doesnt have enough savings to pay their upcoming bills, their money is good for only one week left. He was too worried until he reached the middle of the forest and saw a well, he believed that making wishes in it will solve his problems so he tried to make a wish, "I wish to have a job to sustain the needs of my family", he said. While he is walking back home, there was an old lady begging down the street because she needs to buy a medicine. The nice man hurrily gave the money in his pocket to the old lady without a second thought. "I may not have enough money but you are old and sick, you need it more, I can still find a job, I hope that this money can help." he said. " "Thank you so much sir, may God bless you", the old lady responded.

The next day, he went to the city to find a new job, he first went to the church and prayed. When he is about to leave, he saw a baby girl, "oh God! how can someone abandon a child during this season, don't worry child,I will give you a home", the man said.
The man went to several companies and submitted a resume while carrying the baby, then he went home already. "Darling, I'm home and I found a baby in the church.", he said. "What?!you brought the baby with you?!are you crazy, we don't have money anymore!", carrie said. "Carrie, please, it's winter and I cant leave her. I already applied, maybe one of them will accept me.", he responded. His wife hates what he did.

After one week, the man received a call and he is already accepted as a worker of a small business, but the salary is not enough to raise a child. He doesn't want to bring the child to an orphanage because he grew up their. He named the baby agafya, and he applied for an extra job so that carrie will not blame him.

Agafya grew up with a beautiful face, a different beauty that everyone admires. Since she was one year old, her adopted father always sees a fairy at night and every morning, a good news comes, then he became rich.The man believed that this is all because of agafya.

In agafya's eight birthday, she dissapeared, the man looked for her everywhere, after a month of looking for her, he heard a noise coming from agafya's room, he saw a beautiful bird that is wounded, he helped it. Then he realized that since the day the his daughter dissapeared, he often hears something inside the room. "How did you get in here?", the man said. Shockingly, the bird answered," Do you remember that you sacrificed your life to save a young girl which happened 8 years ago?", "yes", he replied. " I was the young girl, and the old lady that you hepled for how many times. I transformed as a baby to test your pure heart, and you did not dissappoint me, I know that you wanted a child but you can't have one, so I allowed you to know how it feels to be a father, and I also serve as your lucky charm in order for your life to change. Now, you are in good condition, I will leave you. Since agafya is eight years old already, I will turn to my real idebtity. I will go and find more people like you to be blessed." "please, visit me. I will miss agafya a lot.", the man said while crying.