

Be the Change!
Do you have simple worldly things to live a respectful life? Do you see any ray of hope?
Broken and leaking roof? The same old story of poverty. Just think, how would you get rid of your hunger and poverty? How would you convert your dilapidated hut into a house? How would you make your part of the blurry rainbow colorful? Tell me, if you feel hungry, would you drink water and go to sleep as usual?!

If you say— you still see a ray of hope despite all odds and you wish to bring a positive change then, my friend, listen to me. You will have to agree about certain tips and understand certain things based on my own experiences. Tell me, are you ready to take the flight to fulfill your dreams?!

Then, I urge— pull up your socks and knock the door of UPSC, but first , prepare well to jump over its high impregnable walls. Are you ready to hold a high position in Railways or Army or Administration?
Are you ready to become the CEO of companies like Google, Amazon, Microsoft etc.?Would you work for a startup and build a great business?!

A big Yes! That's great! My friend, its time to make promises. Promise me, you will remain focused and not waste even a single moment.

Would you make them your true friend whom I am going to introduce you? Wish to know? Ok. I reveal their identity. They are the books. Would you make books your friends and embrace them wholeheartedly?!

Do you know? When you study a lot, you have every possibility of achieving any goal in life. When you become sombody in life and show case your achievements, then you really bring about a change. You yourself become a change, a role model ! Then, you can bring about change all around you— kind of chain effect! Many others sailing in the same boat would follow your footsteps. Work hard for their goals.

Since you fulfill the foremost requirement. You are able and also ready to bring about the change. You are mentally focussed. So wake up, work hard and showcase something concrete. Change is imminent!

—Vijay Kumar
© Truly Chambyal