

Into his embrace
R-18 Warning of violence and abuse

Please read at your own risk!!

Please also note this is all fiction and does not refer to any real person, place or real life scenarios.

Purely written for fictional purposes.

Wide, frightened eyes took in the casual gait of the man walking towards her. Cold beads of sweat broke out across her forehead. It couldn't be him, could it?
It was him! That smirk on his thin lips was too cruel to belong to someone else.
But how could it be? She had killed him years ago!...

"Did you really think it would be so easy?" His deep voice pierced through her entire body, triggering memories she forced to forget.

She flinched as he came closer yet bravely stared into his pitch black eyes which haunted her in her nightmares. She mustn't show fear, she told herself. She was stronger now, braver than she was before.

"I'm not afraid of you!" She snarled, raising her hand to slap him across the face.

He easily caught her wrist and his grip was as firm as the chains he shackled her in many years ago. He grinned, revealing two rows of pearly white teeth.

"I've missed you."

She screamed at him, struggling to rip his unrelenting hold on her. He never let go and his dark eyes began to shine a familiar light she only knew too well.

"Did you enjoy the years I was gone? Celebrated the fact you thought I died?" He laughed coldly.

Panic streaked across her eyes, tiny pools of water gathering at the corner. A broken plea bubbled from the tip of her tongue.

Please let go of me, she wanted to beg but forced herself to rain curses down on the man. She knew the moment she begged, there would be no turning back. This man was a monster. She wished she never met him at all. Those years she spent with him were the most terrifying years of her life. Years she wished she could take back if she could. But it was too late. Her body remembered his touch and she trembled with anxiety.

In a quick flash, he pushed her against the wall and grabbed her throat, squeezing the delicate skin until wordless noises came out of her mouth. His face grew fierce. A cold sadistic gleam in his eyes grew stronger. He watched as her face turned bloody red, then to a bluish purple and when she thought she would die from oxygen starvation, he released his grip.

She immediately fell limp on the floor, gasping weakly for air. He crouched next to her, pulling the strands of hair away from her face. His voice was gentle as he spoke.

"Pack up your things. It's time to come home."

She glared at him from where she laid, eyes full of venom. He saw it, and smiled.

"So much spirit. Much better than before. I like this new you." He took something out from his pocket and placed it next to her.

"But remember, you belong to me."

She looked at the item he placed next to her and the sight of it brought an outburst of uncontrolled wailing and sounds of despair.

"No! No! Not this! I thought I got rid of it when I killed you." She cried, grabbing the thing and throwing it from across the room. It landed on the ground with a soft tinkling sound.

The man slapped her face and she tasted blood in her mouth.

"I see you forgot to show some respect."

He stood up and retrieved the item back. Then he came up to her and grabbed her hand.

When she realized what he was about to do, she pulled her hand back and tucked her hands against her chest.

"I'm not coming home with you, ever!"

The man raised an eyebrow yet he smiled and even chuckled. He went to the door and with a click, locked it.

She looked at him with terror in her eyes.

"What are you doing?"

He saw her frightened face and smiled gently. He placed the item he picked up on the table before approaching her once more.

"Do you remember the games we used to play?"

Her face grew pale.

His smile deepened.

"Let's see how long you'll last this time."

It took her three hours before she begged for him to stop and when he did, she laid unmoving and broken on the floor. A metallic glint from the table caught her eye and she stared at the golden wedding ring. A tear fell down from her face.

It wasn't suppose to be like this.

It wasn't suppose to be like this at all.

© MaryJ0jo