

Brown eyes. Slender, long nose. Full lips that curved into a smirk, with an eyebrow raised and eyes that pierced into my soul.
"What are you thinking? What's in your head?".
I searched my mind for all I could have possibly been thinking of while I looked at this almost perfect being who tortured me with nothing but his graceful presence in the kitchen's dark, between my legs while I sat trapped on the counter. Thankful to the partial darkness that made it almost possible to be hidden from his view and the little light that seeped in through the window behind me, that made sure i saw him clearly. I was thinking of nothing and everything. I tried but i found no words to describe what was going on in my mind.
He came nearer, closing the non existent gap between us but stopped at an inch or two when I took in a deep breath and lowered my head.
Like in the movies, his hand touched my chin and raised my face up to meet his gaze. "you are beautiful".
I searched his eyes for signs of lies but only found sincerity in his words that made my heart skip a beat. I moved my gaze to his hair and thought of what it would feel like if I ran my fingers through, all the while feeling hot and ashamed.
I sucked in a breath, raised my shaking hand up to his face, closed my eyes and ran the tip of my index and middle finger on his features, trying to memorize them, then found my way up to his coils and sunk my fingers in. He is beautiful.
I opened my eyes to meet his on me. It felt like he was looking at me. The me inside of me. I felt bare. Weak. He was trouble.
I should leave. I needed to walk out the door right then to save myself but I didn't want to be saved. If this was danger, I wanted to be in it. If this was bondage, I was ready to be chained.
He leaned in and softly, planted a kiss on my lips. It was so gentle, I almost didn't feel it but I did alright. At this point, I could hear my heartbeat, feel it. I was scared he could too.
"what are you thinking? what's in your head?"
If he knew, would he stay? because even I am scared of what he made me think, what he made me feel.
You'd get hurt girl. Control this now. His life's way different from yours. You'll never match. He'll never stay. This would never last. What the hell are you doing? He's too wonderful. Smell the fish. Even if he had to choose, why would he choose you? you are way younger, inexperienced, naive, shy, unprofessional, childish, dependent and many more not befitting this demi god.
"hey, you are okay, don't worry".
I was lost in my unspeakable thoughts. He noticed.
"come here." He held my head down to his chest and wrapped his big arms around me and I felt solace, peace, calm, warmth in a second of his embrace. My emotions mixing. Peace with fear. Calm with chaos. War with unity. A loud mind attempting to be quiet. I wasn't sure of anything but one.
I wanted him.
He patted my back in silence as if watching the word war in my head.
"Don't be scared, whatever you are feeling, live it. just enjoy it".
Yes, I am scared but he was also right, I loved what I was feeling so much that I wasn't ready to stop all these. I really should enjoy this. The cut's already in too deep. I am so intk him. I know i'd cry later, I'll hurt on my own later but right now, I'll take this moment. I'll live this minute.
I gently broke free from his hug, looked up into his eyes, with his already deep into my soul. Instinctively, our heads inched in closer, nose touched, lips locked and he tasted even better than my fantasies.
I got hungry. I came down from the counter and got shorter than I remembered I was. Damn, this man tall. I tiptoed to catch his lips again and he held me in to him. Another thought popped in. It's either he has a really big penis or he's as turned on as I am right now. I felt the hardness in his pants on my tummy. Damn, I wanted to touch it, hold it, do stuffs with it. Was the stove turned on? Was the oven baking? The heat I started to feel made me hornier than before.
The kitchen door hit the wall hard, the sound startled us and we pulled apart, me brought back to reality and him so unfazed by the girl that walked in on us.
"Sorry, I didn't know you were here." She said as she picked up whatever she walked in for, then left.
This was my escape route, I didn't want to end these but I knew I had to. His presence intimidated me, controlled, fully manipulated my thoughts and actions. And my core was on fire.
Thank God for the semi darkness, my expressions were unseen, my embarrassment undetected. So I thought.
He held my hand in his hand we walked out of the kitchen, outside to where every other person was.
The smell of weed in the freshest air hit us. He asked for a blunt and a lighter. I just stood there watching as I had zero experience with smoking.
I had never seen a dude smoke so... so.. with so much elegance and he was sexy as fuck.
I sat by the terrace, quietly observing. Hesed and her boyfriend, Reginald, were leaning on a car, sharing a wrap/blunt and licking each others faces. Ron leaned on the wall, feeling sick and jealous of the two lovers.
Steve in his awesomeness, was my drug, my weed, my liquor.
I wanted to reach out to him. Be bold and daring. But all I could do was watch him attentively and with admiration.

© skinnyCee
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