

Not the whole story still needs punctuation

Imagination is a wonderful thing to have, being able to think outside of the box and take one simple idea and turn it into 1000 situations and create possibilities, I once heard and very strongly believe that if you can think of it it can happen, and so I say “GO AHEAD” think of all the craziest and weirdest shit that you can imagine because, that could be that one thought that inspires someone, that idea could also be “OPPORTUNITY” knocking at your door like LET ME IN and it is up to you to open the door, with your head up, step out on the porch or just outside if you don't have a porch either way keep your head up and you spread them ideas like hooker legs and cancer and while doing so keep your fucking head up and you will succeed. Stick with your beliefs and believe in the words that you say. I have always thought that my imagination was far out there and extremely different from others ever since back in the day when mom always use to tell me that I would be dangerous if I had a brain and knew how to use it, or my dad telling me stories how when I was born god was handing out brains and I misunderstood him and thought he said here comes the train and I said that I would catch the next one. I have realized that life is a situation test and the decisions that you are faced with are made to get you off of your path and as long as you stay on your path and do what you believe in and fuck what others think then you will be fine and happy, and being happy is a good thing because not only are you in a good mood the energy that you put off affects others that are surrounding you whether they are in the same room as you or they are close to you, but live miles away. Imagination is a great way to express how you feel you can use metiphores and say things like “damn I feel like shit” while not actually meaning you feel like a piece of actual feces. I like to use metiphores for everything my wife gets irritated when I do things like this for instance “Damn you've been sleeping for 100 hours” when in all realality she was napping for 2 hours, but it seemed like 100 because the kids were being rambunkchis. Coming up with ideas is what I like doing, I like thinking of things that I think no other being has thought of, and fuck it if someone else thought of it. It is what you do with the idea after you think of it. Everyday millions of thoughts and ideas are wasted in my opinion it is because people like myself do not know how to get it out there to the public in search of the people that they can relate with or they have no confidence in themselves not saying that I have no confidence in myself because well, face it if you know me then you know I don't really give a fuck what anyone thinks of me, and most of the time I live in my own world I like to call “ImageAnation”. What can I do to change the world whether it is inspiring someone that see's my thoughts and my opinions or damn I could strike gold and me and my family, along with all the people that stood by us through all the hard times can live like kings, We could imagine this world as whatever we wanted it to be to and not have to worry about the things that we worry about now such as bills being late and being behind on rent working a 9 to 5 everyday with no benefits to support your family, a lot of people don't respect this but this is why I guess I am called a “HERMIT” almost everyday simply because I stay at my house, play video games, write and really do not interact with anyone but my family, this is not anything against anyone and the ones who are close to me know this. I stick with my own ideas and beliefs, I know what is right from wrong. I have been saying this forever “everyone is entitled to their own opinion” and I encourage it. I wanna get in the business but fuck fitting in I wanna do it “BEING MYSELF” by bringing my own personality to the table and being like oh you don't like me well fuck you then I don't need you I have not had you in my life up to this point so what makes you think I give a fuck about having you in it now? Awesome said the independent ones! In my opinion great ideas come from the ones who have been through hell and back to survive in real life situations not the ones born with a silver spoon in their mouth and nose all up in the air like look at me my shit smells like roses with my quick smart-ass response like yea its roses alright roses that have been jabbed up your asshole with a thumb the slowly pulled out and that aroma that it gives off yea wait for it……. That is bullshit. Haters are another reason life is fucked up for some people, but for some reason people can not get over what other people think of them. The only time that that bothers me is when I am out with the family and someone says something negative about my kids/wife then immedietly shit starts flowing through my brain like “i wanna rip out there fucking heart and fuck them in their asses with it followed by a fucking blumpkin from they momma” dumb fucks I hate people! Now in days you really have to watch things like this people will turn you in whether it does any good or not. They will because in my opinion other motherfuckers get off by ruining other peoples lives, even know it does not benefit them in any way and watch out because nowadays telling the deal and being real can get confused with hating, you have to look past that! I know I am intelligent but sometime I just feel like I don't have enough time in a day to do me in a sense because I have to do as society says in order to provide for my family. Unless I want to sell drugs or rob a bank or something that involves high risk and very low chance of not getting caught will in the meantime jepordizing my kids and wife well-being and lets face it, fuck that shit I don't wanna live like that. Which is why I have decided to start writing to see if there is anyone out there that can or wants to relate to me. My dad always told me to “treat others how you want to be treated”(but we all know how this goes) he was one of the most generous people you would have ever met but he also got fucked over a lot for being so generous. It got me to thinking I am going to be generous and nice to people even know I don't want to at times but if I am nice to somebody when they are not expecting it then that is like a curve ball thrown at motherfuckers and vise versa not that I give a fuck but people are quick to judge based on how you look and how you act but if you toss in some kindness that could change a lot then you got 'em like huh and then you could be like “see you don't know me motherfucker” . This life is a crazy one. I feel like I have been through everything and I have never even been out of the mid-west so It's obvious that there is plenty more to be done and I will do it. Nothing would make me happier than being able to comfortable. To me this means owning a house, all the bills paid, a family vacation at least twice a year, and a nice car shit how I grew up was nothing nice, we never had shit when I look around and see how ungreatful some kids are my jaw drops I think about those kids that don't have a damn thing all over the world. The kids that drink from puddles and don't get the chance to eat because there is nothing, the kids born into this world with aids and diseases, and the kids that never had the chance to be born into this world due to violence or drugs or the terrifying word abortion. When I was growing up I was the oldest of 6 kids and when we had dinner if you did not finish what was on your plate then it would go back into the fridge the next night for dinner you finished what was on your plate or you did not get dinner that night. You got kids these days that throw a half/whole plate of food away and it disgust me. Sometimes I wish I could help them all. When I started writing this I had the idea of imagining the world as what it is, then using that same imagination to make it what it what i want it to be while expressing myself at the same time and sharing my thoughts and opinions in the process. I am going to start getting into more of my thoughts and opinions and touch on some subjects that interest me like video games, I always get told by people that I am “wasting my time playing video games” but, I say fuck that as well because I like to relax I work 9-5 Mon-Fri and when I get home I just want to fucking relax but, then again I get to thinking what if I wrote to relax? What if I did not spend all my time playing video games and I expressed myself? What if I put my opinions and ideas/thoughts out there for people to read? I would like that and so here it is I am a loyal, misunderstood at times, self-medicated and slightly slow at times and I have a strive to make something of myself! At times I think that if I had the proper knowledge/guidence than I would have already made it. I love to write, honestly a lot of “MUSIC” inspired me and changed me as a person, I would not be the person that I am today if it was not for music and the role it played in raising me. I smoked for along time something like 10 years, one day at my 9-5 I was on break, lite up a cigarette, at this time an elderly lady approached me and started talking to me about the ozone, my health, the people around me it affects,(which I knew a little about it but they way that she worded it inspired me) it had me thinking about losing my dad to terminal lung cancer, it also had me thinking about my kids and how my “DAD” never got the chance to see me graduate high school, I want to see my kids graduate, so I quit and it is one of the best decisions that I have ever made I feel better about myself & doing so contributed towards the training of my mind. I really enjoy smoking weed I feel like it opens my mind, It also helps me get along with people without me wanting to rip their fucking throats out, nowadays people are getting used to it and starting to learn the actual facts about it and not just down grading it because ignorant people want to refer to “marijuanna” as a drug, in my eyes and the wonderful mind of Morgan weed is not a drug, heron, cocaine, meth, ice. molly, acid, and alcohol & I am sure there's others, these are drugs if anything bud is a medication, a herb, a way to deal with society and dumb fucking people, as I like to say “save an argument” another thing that my dad always told me “two wrongs don't make a right” have you ever heard of an upside down world? You know the type of shit that got you feeling like there is glue on your shoes and your standing on the ceiling and there is no way down but A: do a sit up and loosen up your shoe strings and fall to the floor and even in that case you are gonna land on your head or break your arm or hand tring to break your fall, unless you can do some sort of flip or some shit but we all know my ass is not doing any type of shit like that. Or B: you better hope you got on some slip on shoes on and once again even in that case you are back at option A without having to do the sit up but your are going to fall either way if you feel like your world is upside down, sometimes even when life is treating you like shit you have to roll with it and let your path take you where it is suppose to take you, the most important thing tho is to “stay on your path” I am very greatful, being blessed with two beautiful healthy kids and I stayed on my path even tho it resulted in losing my first child due to perscription medicine that jessica was taking at the time to treat her seizures, shits fucked up and for years after that I felt like my world was turned upside down. I have a hard time believing in “GOD” or “JESUS” in a physical form ever. But at the time I went through that losing my lil Kassidy-Jo I was looking up to the sky for answers like it was multiple question, and I did not get a one, and the same thing applies when I lost my dad when I was 15 years young, shit had me looking up to the sky then to, but no fucking answer, so when you ask me I believe in a “higher power” yes, but spikes through hands and some motherfucker dying for our sins and us as people are supposed to just read some man written book and live like that and believe that shit. No I don't think so! Fuck giving up all the pleasures in life and hit if somebody wants to fuck thy neighbors wife and she's down I say “go ahead” if the bitch is down to give up the neden treat that bitch like a ho. If you want to use profanity FUCK IT use the shit. In my opinion every one of us was put here and when we were put on this earth we were to stay on a path and those who start buying into the government mumbo jumbo, religion, politics, the lies. they are the ones who get forced off of their path. I have my own beliefs and most of the time sharing them with others, they do not agree with me but fuck it I really have never gave a fuck about anyone thinks but me and my family I mean I might agree with someone to speed up the conversation or just to get them the fuck away from me but I really don't give a fuck, I am tired of dealing with Slumlords when renting apartments showing up late night a day before inspection and nigga riggin the place n' shit, prolly some tax write offs going on here as well on top of that being loud as fuck and waking my kids. At first I never understood the reason I was put on this earth but as I am getting older my brain is getting bolder struggling is getting old as well, I was not put here to struggle my whole life I was put here to be “comfortable”. Spread my ideas like the cane with the foot hook at the bottom for those who have restless leg syndrome or for the old people that can't lift their legs anymore and still have upper body strength they could just pull up on the cane when they think they are going to fall and you get the jist. I have great ideas all the time I lave my life at this exact moment I am staying with my sister and Joey through the winter helping with rent and shit she just had Alishia things re kind of strapped right now, but at least I have my job I am not the happiest with the situation but I am very thankful that they are letting me and jessica along with our two kids stay and they are understanding about it considering the situation, let me explain….so all of you now what we men go through tring to keep a women happy(which my dad and grandpa both told me to never spend my whole life trying to make a women happy because it would never happen) so my wife's mom and her man live in wisconsin so I had this great idea to get a storage and put all of our belongings in it then move there and leave everything behind here, so we went this was the first time and it did not work out because I missed the homies and my family, connects that were here, so we came back and luckly I got my job back and things went back to normal, cawinsidently when we came back the first time we stayed with ashlie then to. we were back for a year or so then I was like ok I can do it feeling stressed out with my job at the time, feeling down and out all the time so we went and moved again this time with no storage here with all of our belongings waiting for us when we got back but long story short when we were living up there I had a job interview I was tyring to make the best of the situation, then one night Jessica's fucking mom starts getting involved in me and her personal buisness and I told her to fuck off she started doing things that a bitch does and then she went out with jimmy and kevin AKA THE REAL PIECE OF SHIT got drunk on jack and when they came home in the early A.M they were all drunk and they started acting stupid as fuck over a bunch of bullshit that had not concerned them what so ever, the next thing you know I am getting hit with a fucking beer bottle upside my head by THE REAL PIECE OF SHIT with jimmy holding me up against the garage door while her mom was hitting me as well, and in a way I do not blame Jimmy because he was just trying fit in and have his buddies back he really don't think for him self, but pam is a fucking bitch all around and this is not the first time she has acted like a fool, she is all full of lies even towards her loved ones, and she thinks it is to make them feel better, well I hate to burst her bubble that is not always how it works, and most of the time it never works like that. It is none of my business but hey “opinionation” how the fuck does this man jimmy who has not only lived in the same house since he was in high school and is about at the age for retirement now work like 15 hour days and on top of that has to drive like an hour or some shit to work 6 days a week even have trust for any women ecspecially a disrespectful lying ass women like Pam, I told him that night I don't know how he does it, cause I could if I had to but I would never do that shit willingly, he isn't even getting paid what his job is worth, and don't have enough sense to ask for a raise, I mean c'mon I am only 26 and I m making just a little less than him, on top of that never being home to spend what money he does make and her being there to do all the spending and then bitch about being broke, I have heard her lie several times not only to him but to me as well, for a whole fucking month about were her daughter was when we split up years ago after we lost Kassidy-jo, and saying that they fuck other people and they are both ok with that. Wtf is this world coming to, then she was yellin at jessica when we were leaving saying he's just like your dad shes fuckin physco but fuck it enough with that whole situation. So I enjoy coming up with things off the top of my head so here goes toes curl, when im eating, pussy pleasing, fuck feasting, the reason being busting seaman between the sheets demon she screaming now she bleeding, cause I cut her neck not thinking now Im cleaning the place up before im leaving then I noticed blood dripping down her cleavage something I always wanted to do is lick blood off of a tittie I don't know why just always wanted to I think it might just be the thrill…….maybe, or I might have issues…….. no that can't be it well unless I ever have the oppurtunity to lick blood off of a tittie I will never know. Ok kinda got off topic again my brain works in mysterious ways like if I were to think of something random I can usually turn it into a short story which I will attempt later on in my weird novel. Which in all reality when I do get this printed and finalized,it will be the shit I am just typing away getting the feel of expression while at the same time getting some of this crazy shit off of my chest. And the licking the blood off of the tittie thing that was just funny not saying that I would not lick fake blood like jello or ketchup off of a tittie, you get the jist plus any straight guy would too, like my dad used to say “you aint got to lie to kick it” and we all know that woman are hornier than us and they would love that shit like hey what your name……..NEVERMIND THAT BITCH COME HERE AND LET ME PUT THIS FOOD ON YOUR TITTIES AND LICK IT OFF…...SHE SAYS OK AS HE APPROACHES HER WITH HIS FINGERTIPS COVERED IN PEANUT BUTTER AS HE PROCEEDS TO REACH OUT FOR HER TITTIES SHE IS UNSNAPPING HER BLOUSE WITHIN A MATTER OF SECONDS SHE IS COVERED IN STICKY PEANUT BUTTER AND HIS FACE IS BURIED IN HER CHEST and then they lived happily ever after. I mean in all reality people meet this way all the time in the world and hey! If that is what floats their boat then I say “GO AHEAD” fuck it have that bitch suck the peanut butter off of your dick, shit smear it on her pussy and shove it in there with your dick use it as lube, ok I might have taken that to far in the eyes of most! But tell me that shit wouldn't be fun tho? Sometimes I wish some people had half the idea of what it is like raising two kids with an epileptic wife, being the only one that can drive and work, I mean I understand that people with newborns think tha